A girls got to do what a girls got to do a guy got to do wat a girl wants him to.
My space is dead. Facebook is on life support .Twitter is in the hospital, and Tumblr is just watching them.
Everbody has a girlfriend or boy friend, and i'm just here like "I love food."
"Can I help you?" ME: " No I jast waited in a line for 90 minutes to say hi."
I'm going to open a store next to Forever 21 and call it Finally 22.
Why are Iphone chargers not called apple jucie?
I love how, in scary movies the person says "hello," as if the bad guy is gonna be like "i'm in the kitchen, hey want a sandwhich?"
I want the job were you push scared skydivers out of planes.
Random Quotes
Randomhey guys these are just some random quotes I made and found funny. So enjoy