Chapter 3: I Think It's Time

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August 7th: Yesterday was a bunch of ups and Down. Me and Cali were caught by the paparazzi having our best friend I would like to call it. But we managed to grab my clothes but not without Jessica saying she was pregnant. Jhene came through with the surprise love that girl to death mane.

After the album signings I was invited to an after party at club motion with a ton of my homes and I invited Cali since she didn't wanna be alone. Let's just hope nothing ruins the night. It all continued on August 7th.

"This club is so fun how did I not know I live near it" Cali said finishing her drink. "Probably too busy painting pictures of your husband" I pointed to me I toke sips of my drink instead of her chugging them down. "Okay before you get completely wasted let's go meet my friends" I grabbed her hand and held it tight. I can't afford to lose her in here who knows what will happen.

"Drizzy"!!? Trey said he was hanging out with Kevin Hart, Nicki, and Wayne. "Is that Nicki Minaj" Cali whispered in my ear. I nodded does this chick listen to rap at all. "Hey ladybug why don't you come sit next to me" I let her go and sat next to Kevin and we all talked and laughed. "Drake yo girl look passed out" Kev said poking her with a straw. "Take her Home call me tommorow okay" Nicki said. I kissed her on the check and Gave her a kiss.

I carried drunk Cali to the car and laid her out in the back. I drove to the store to buy some hennesy and white wine. I struggled to carry both inside but I did I put the alcohol in the fridge and Cali in her bed. "Drake your names drizzy" She whispered. "Its a nickname night Cali" I turned off the bedside lamp. "No sleep with me please besty" she whined making little mouse noises.

"Your gonna regret this in the morning and I love you to much not to be your friend." I looked at her her eyes never opened but she was smiling the entire time and clenched the sheets in her fist. "Pwease I promise I won't I'm barely drunk come on Aubrey" she said and she started to shiver even though her blankets were lookin pretty fuckin heavy. "I'll be right back" I went to my room and changed into a tank and sweatpants. "Yeah sleepover bestie" she was up and changed outta out of her dress.

"I'm here no longer to sweat" she smiled and turned off the television. "Come on rapper boy I have class in the morning" she patted the empty side of her bed and fluffled up the pillow. I jumped in and she pulled the covers off and turned off the lamps. I could feel her still shivering so as the male I wrapped my arms around her and she held my arms. "Love ya besty glad I met ya" I kissed her check and we went to sleep.

I woke up by myself felt like those night's. Their was a note on the end table:

I'm at class i'll be back around 3 have fun and don't forget about me

I thought that was sweet I went to go take a shower and put on my polo shirt with leather jeans and my Jordan's. I walked outside and their was the neighbor I swear she watches me. She was wearing booty shirts and a crop top with wedges. She looks good but I gotta remember what Cali said. "Hey their Drake you still up yo Coffee" I toke me awhile to figure out how she knew my name but then I realized I'm a celebrity. "Umm sure" my interview wasn't till ten maybe I can figure out what this chick wants.

We toke a taxi over to a bistro named *Caestro's* seems fancy. We sat at a table outside and the menu was pretty expensive she better got money because I didn't say it was on me. "So are you and Cali like....related because you guys look alike" is their girl dumb, stupid or retardid me and Cali looked nothing like each other. If this is her way of flirting she's doing a terrible job. "No were best friends do you and Cali know each other" she seemed pissed when I asked her that.

"A little probably aren't the greatest friends" she really nice though and has nice arms. "What can I order you two" a waitress with bronette hair said with a smile she was cute my type to be exact. Would it be wrong if I asked for her number in front of her. "I'll have the lemon and eggplant lasagna" The hot neighbor said I still haven't caught her name. "And you Drake" man being famous everyone knows your name "Whatever you think here is good" and I gave her my signature smile.

"I haven't caught your name yet" my iPhone lit so I knew I got a text message. "Its Lisa how long you lived with Cali" I nodded my head I didn't hear what she was saying Cali sent me a text.

Besty: Class was so boring and my best friend bailed on me so wanna hang tonight or are you still stuck up on the girl next door.

Lisa shook the table and brought my attention back to her "Who you texting mister" she put on a fake smile. "Ohh My crew I should be going" I threw a twenty on the table and toke a taxi back to the house. * I was running through the six with my woes* I picked up my phone and of course Jessica can't leave me alone. "Drake the baby is kicking I'm so excited are you?" This chick needs to leave me alone the baby ain't mine and we broke up. I hung up and blocked her number. "Besty your home" Cali came running from the kitchen and jumped on me. "Hello Cali how was your day."Weird and somewhat exciting" I kicked off my shoes and relaxed on the couch. "Where did you go with Lisa" she stood in front of the t.v.

"To some Bistro she's somewhat nice but she ain't my type" I smiles to give her some reassurance. "No Drake I love you so I'm telling you this again don't mess with Lisa she's dangerously stupid" she sat on my leg until I would answer. "Okay okay what you wanna do tonight" I flipped through all of the channels. "I'm going to an art gallery" I stopped flipping when a Channel was playing Come Thru. "Really, I guess it won't hurt to listen."

She got up and started dancing I raped along she could be my backup dancer. "Pretty good Drizzy if I say so so when you going on Tour" she started to frown. "Next Month I'll be gone for three months will you miss me" she flicked my nose " A lot can happen in three months I could get pregnant engaged killed you'll never know huh" she rolled her eyes and stood by the windows. " I doubt that will happen but you can tag along for those three months help me out and stuff" she jumped up and down. "This is why your my best friend is Nicki gonna be in the tour" I nodded "Yeah for sure she's gonna be perfoming Up all Night and Make Me Proud maybe Bedrock too". She kissed me on the cheek and we went to the kitchen for dinner.


Will Lisa Stay out of Drakes Life?

Will Drake find that mystery Waitress?

Will Cali tell Dani about her living with the rapper Drake?

Until Next Time On Come Thru......

(Image of Cali Provided)

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