【1】i love you【660】

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Hime Yamiko's sniggers erupted and echoed down into the canyon, ricocheting off the cliffs and into Akanne's ears like bullets. Looming over the world like a goddess, she flipped her hair and adjusted her crown, the nasty glint in her eye travelling down to Akanne's limp body on the rocky floor.

"Oh look at you!" She smirked at Oleander who roared and flicked his tail. "So sad that your precious Haruki-na is dead... Don't worry, you can join him and the Gods in the afterlife soon! All you need to do is choose your last words! Make sure to choose them carefully though; this only happens once! Don't worry I'll wait..." Hime giggled like she had waited her entire life to say that.

Akanne's bony wings clattered against each other as she precariously heaved her bruised body off the rock, ignoring the mixture of tears and blood trailing down her cheeks and pooling under her eyes. Hands clawed at the solid floor, searching for the sword Haruki had dropped. She knew there was no way she could use her magic when she could barely stop herself from shaking. Her eyelid fluttered open, uncovering her single red eye, so unfocused that it only vaguely lolled in Hime's direction.

Various shades of purple, green and red marbled under her deathly pale skin, mostly new wounds, but others were the wounds from one painfully long year ago, reopened and dangerously lethal.

But those were nothing compared to her right eye. The stitches were long gone, exposing the jelly-like sludge of the sclera and the matted eyelashes. Chunks of golden iris tumbled down her cheek, followed by oozing ruby blood, the consistency similar to custard. Anyone else would convulse and retch due to the pain until there was nothing left for them to vomit, but Akanne just gently swayed in the wind, clammy skin gluing her tangled, once-blonde, hair to her paper-white cheeks.

Oleander fidgeted, eyeing down his prey hungrily.

Akanne's swollen lips trembled, and the world seemed to still for a second. "I love you."

Hime's eyes shot open. Those were definitely not the words she was expecting, and definitely not in that kind of tone! Who could deadpan something like that so easily!? And so near death!?

"Wait what!?" She stumbled backwards in Oleander, trying to hide the growing pink in her cheeks. "That's- That's not what you're meant to say! You're meant to say some... emotional hero bullshit or something!"

"I love you." Akanne repeated, weak and breathy, her heart fluttering wildly inside her chest like a bomb about to burst.

Hime fiddled with the hem of her skirt, eyes trying to find a rock, a cloud, a plant, anything, to focus on instead of the annoying yet undeniably cute girl who was heavily bleeding out all over her front garden. "Are y- Are you sure about this? You're not just saying this to get Enabynn back or something?"

"Enabaa...? Who's that?" Akanne giggled, poking her tongue out like a puppy. Her words slurred and melded together like she was drunk, but she didn't realise, any sense of awareness she had was long gone. It was like Almighty Reimu themselves took over her body, consumed her, prepared her for her long journey to the afterlife. "You're funny... I promise I love you Hime-na. You're beautiful."

Under her breath, Hime mumbled. "Well this is a plot twist... I... No one's ever said anything like that to me before... but I guess... I guess I could love you?" Cupping her cheeks with her palms, Hime wiped small tears away from the corners of her eyes and smiled gently. When she heard no response from Akanne, she looked up. "Akanne?"

Akanne was still humming happily, smiling despite the blistering heat.


One last mumble, one last gasp, one last giggle, and Akanne's eye slammed shut and she started to topple forwards, body limp as though her consciousness was forcefully sucked out of her body.

"Wait- Akanne!?"

Akanne's hollow skull thumped against the rock, and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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