The Heist

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"Ready?" he asked, looking at me with eyes that smiled like half crescent moons.

I smiled at him too. My insides thrashed. "Always." I replied.

We had already plugged in a USB with the software that would present empty halls with the same current timestamp instead of two masked mischiefs sneaking the halls. Therefore, making us invisible. He flashed me a boyish grin and a rakish wink before we began to step out of the control room. It was the same grin that made me decide that I needed more. More than adequate robberies that gave me an adequate amount to live on.

And with him on my side, I could get that. We agreed that it would be just one event. But since that was a success, plan b, c, d and so on had followed.

It had gone on for months. We were living on top of a pile of cash after posing as two of the world's lowkey influential entrepreneurs as a couple with our pseudonyms and other more cons, it was fun. We managed to snag a few tickets from elite events. Therefore giving us an easier time to take what we needed. Paintings. Jewelry. Money, money, money.

We didn't keep it all to ourselves though. We'd distributed the money anonymously to various organizations. Orphanages. Shelters. Pounds. People like us. Victims of capitalism and greed.

"Ladies first." He stated presenting a hand to gesture me and in to the main hall we went. With a gloved hand, I took his. Despite the satin cloth, I could still feel the jolts of electricity running through my veins. The very ones that led me to doing this. I had to. It was perilous. Cop cars and bullets were no match for a danger such as falling for André. Though I doubt if that was really his name. No honor among thieves. That was a given.

We were both in Louvre staff uniforms. We'd worked here as the museum's security itself for months now. So we already knew the sched. When there's fault wiring or such malfunctions, the Louvre had it's own set of hands. We had already triggered a minor alarm which made the main security call on for a roaming. We answered the call for the said set of hands and now here we are.

You'd think it confusing but it's actually exciting. Scheming. Plotting. Putting on a different kind of mask. Being a different kind of person. The thrill of it all.

I took the detachable soles of my shoes and began to tread on the tiled floor. I glanced up as André ran his hands through his hair before proceeding to follow. silent thuds on the floor with his shoes-without soles. It was a trick suggested by the thief himself. When we first met, I was about to take Claude Monet's 'Meules' that was to be bid when I had very unfortunately left muddy prints due to the storm that night and when he rounded the corner, I was about to throw a knife at him when he just laughed and showed the tricks he had up his sleeve as well.

I blinked and shooed the memory away. My conscience numb. My heart gagged and tied up in a chair. My mind in control. My façade on.

I gave him a mask and put mine on afterwards. Mine had 'Bonnie' on it- written with red paint in harsh letters and his had 'Clyde'. This mission was easy. The easiest actually. But with what I had in store. It was far from it.

We side-stepped every area with sensors, by now it was a routine -Fully knowing which areas were guarded and which were blind spots. A dance with silence as the melody and the audience being watchful artificial eyes of oil paintings.

It was a double take tonight. I'd go to the Salon Carre where the Mona Lisa is and André would dash to the Galerie d'Apollon where a certain diamond necklace is, not to mention that it equals to roughly $15 million today and was once owned by Queen Marie Antoinette, bless her soul.

I nodded my head at him and he did the same before we went our separate ways. How it would be that easy. Yes, I could just leave him, just like that. But with the familiar look of his dark abyss eyes, there was no telling if he'd not even spare a care or search the end of the world to find me, to kill me? Perhaps... And on another note, I needed money if I wanted to hide from him. This'd do.

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