Chapter 1

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Letting out a sigh as he slumped into a booth, Izuku was relieved the morning rush was over, he had a couple hours before the lunch rush kicked into high gear, and he was going to enjoy every minute of the quiet bakery until then. He let his head fall onto his folded arms resting on the table, "So tired", his muffled groan not making it past the fabric of his clothing.

The quiet of the coffee shop and the music playing over head was slowly putting him asleep. His eyes slipped closed as his breathing became steady, his brain didn't even process the shouting that stopped for a moment outside his store before quickly passing by. It was only when a short snort of an oncoming snore startled him from his nap. He whipped his head up a little panicked, he didn't even know he had fallen asleep. Shoto was going to be in for his shift soon and he'd kill him if he found out he fell asleep on the job again.

Stretching his arms above his head, Izuku heard the same familiar shouting from when he was dozing off. It sounded like someone was trying to convince their friend to come into the shop. He could hear bits and pieces of argument but he mainly heard weird nicknames (insults?) being thrown around. Bakubro? Shittyhair? What kind of nicknames were those? As the arguing got closer he saw a flash of familiar red and an unfamiliar angry blond. He quickly shot from the booth into the back kitchen to hide.

"Come on Bakubro! I told you there are no other coffee shops in the area, Black Lodge Coffee is our only option." He pouted.

"Quit your damn pouting Shittyhair, I know you did this on purpose, you've been trying to get me to come here with you a couple weeks now, what's so special about this place anyway? If we stop for coffee we're going to be sitting ducks in our uniforms." He scoffed and started to walk away.

A strong hand gripped onto his wrist and pulled him around to look eye to eye. "Dynamight, please. This place is known for being empty between rush hours, we won't be bothered I promise, it's in between rush hours right now. Let me buy you a coffee and a pastry, and if you're still disappointed afterwards, I'll never breathe a word of this coffee shop to you again."

Bakugou was weak for any of his friends who called him by his hero name, but also he wanted Kirishima off his damn back. "Fine. This better be the best damn coffee and pastries I've ever had in my entire life. I need to update headquarters about our patrol, go on inside and I'll meet you in there." He jabbed a finger onto Kirishima's chest.

Kirishima pumped his fist in the air in satisfaction with a goofy smile on his face and basically bounced into coffee shop.

From the back, Izuku heard the bell above the door ring as it opened and closed. He knew who it was before even having to go out front, but the unfamiliar blond had him a little nervous. Kirishima liked to bring his friends around to introduce them, but this one didn't really seem like he wanted to be here. Let alone they were on patrol, in uniform. He set down his cupcake piping bag and walked to the front through the single door, letting it swing back and forth behind him.

"Hey Midobro!" He beamed, he looked like a kid in a candy shop. His hero uniform was so revealing, but oh so nice to look at. Keep your shit together Izuku, it's not the time to be thirsting over pro-heroes you barely know. He mentally slapped himself to keep his eyes above Kirishima's shoulders.

"Hey Red! What can I get for you today?"

"I would like the usual and uuummm," he paused to look through the pastry case then his eyes lit up, "the strawberry jalapeño turn over and a large black coffee, special roast, for the angry Pomeranian please." He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder outside where Bakugou was, who was yelling into his phone. He shoved a wad of cash into Izuku's hand and quickly walked away and sat in a booth out of view of the Main Street. Izuku just smiled and shook his head, Kirishima did that on purpose knowing that Izuku would try to deny the cash. He has a policy that heroes on duty received one free coffee a day and Kirishima felt like he was abusing his power as a hero. Izuku only charged them for their pastries anyway.

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