Chapter 2

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The week seemed to drag on, crime was low and most of the time was spent playing catch up on paperwork. Which would have been fine but the coffee he was bringing from home to keep his brain functioning, was actually starting to disappoint him. It kinda pissed him off, he'd been drinking the same brand for years and it was always fine. Ever since Kirishima forced him into that coffee shop, nothing measured up. He was never one to spend money at coffee shops because he could just make coffee at home and most places he's been dragged too are overpriced and watered down, but he actually found himself wanting to go back. Maybe they had coffee grounds he could buy and make it at home, he'd have that amazing coffee but still save money. Was it worth the shit he'd get from Kirishima? Absolutely. He needed that coffee.

And that's how Bakugou found himself standing in front of Black Lodge Coffee at the ass crack of dawn on Monday morning. He thought the opening time of 5:30am was a typo but there was already a line formed inside leading to the counter. Stepping inside, he definitely stood out in the crowd. Most of the line consisted of business men and women, along with some college students. Bakugou tugged his ball cap lower onto his head, he didn't like being that asshole wearing a cap and sunglasses inside but he just wanted an easy morning without being recognized, although it was a pretty lazy disguise.

To his surprise the line was moving fairly quickly, by the looks of it, it was only Izuku back behind the counter. Where the hell was that other guy they heard over the speakers? Slacker. As he got closer to the counter, he took his hat and sunglasses off so it didn't look like he was going to rob the damn place. He could hear Izuku laughing and joking with the customers, even calling a few by their first names all while whipping out coffees and placing small bags filled with pastries on the counter without missing a beat.

"See you next week Mrs. Anderson! It was nice seeing you again!" Izuku beamed as a little old lady shuffled by.

Bakugou stepped up the counter and looked up at the big chalk board with a hand written menu. Oh god he should have been looking at the menu when he was waiting in line. Don't panic dumbass it just coffee. Kirishima told him he ordered black coffee but it was a special roast and looking at the board they had several house made roasts.

"What can I get started for you today?" Izuku chirped. He had his back turned towards Bakugou, filling to-go cups with hot water and tea bags, then placing them on the designated spot for mobile order customers.

"Black coffee, special roast." Word vomit. He saw Izuku cock his head a little as if he had to physically restrain himself from snapping.

"What kind? We have several."

"I don't know. I was here for the first time last week, my friend dragged me here and he ordered me one of your special roast coffees." He said as if it would help. "I don't go to coffee shops often."

"You might want to ask your friend to be more specific next ti-" Izuku turned to look at the customer and was shocked to see the one and only Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight standing in front of his counter with a light blush of embarrassment on his cheeks. In civilian clothing. Oh wow. Izuku thought he looked good in his hero uniform. But this? This was next level shit. Black ripped skinny jeans and a faded black shirt with a skull design. Izuku swore if Bakugou flexed that shirt would cease to exist.

Izuku quickly broke into a huge smile that Bakugou swore was like looking into the sun, "Oh I remember your order, welcome back!" He quickly pushed some buttons on his screen. "That'll be $5.50 for a large black Midwest blend and a strawberry jalapeño turnover. Are you dining-in or take-out?"

"Dine-in." Apparently he's forgotten how to hold a normal conversation. Goddamn that smile was distracting.

"Great! It'll be out in just a minute Dyn- oh Um." He fidgeted with the cup and marker in his hand. "Could I get your name please? I'll call for you when it's ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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