Chapter 7

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Eva's POV
Anna leads me upstairs to her room and closes the door behind us. She pulls a few bathing suits out of her drawer and lays them on the bed.

Anna: Here you can pick one of these.
Eva: Hmm I'll wear this one.

I pick up a red tie dye one.

Anna: Good choice (she says smiling).

Anna goes and picks out one for her. She takes her shirt off and wow she's got a good body. Is she just gonna change right in front of me? Before she can take anymore clothes off I say something.

Eva: hey where can I change into this at?
Anna: oh sorry, you can go in my bathroom right there (she points to her bathroom on the other side of the room).
Eva: okay.

I go in the bathroom and change into the bikini. When I come out Anna is in her bikini sitting on the bed. Damn she's fine. Is this the buzz talking, or did I really just find Anna attractive? She looks over at me and her jaw drops.

Anna: Wow you have an amazing body (she says getting up and walking over to me).
Eva: so do you (I say blushing).

Anna comes closer and I can't help but want her to.

Eva: Is it weird I want to kiss you right now?
Anna: Not at all (she says as she comes closer and wraps herself around me).

We both lean in and start to kiss. It's slow and passionate. Anna puts my arms around her neck and picks me up as I wrap my legs around her torso. She slowly backs up and sits on the edge of her bed. I straddle her lap as the kiss gets more intense. She runs her hands up my thighs and onto my stomach. She continues running her hands over my breasts and onto each side of my face. She starts to kiss my neck. I know this is probably wrong but it just feels so good. She leans us back onto the bed and rolls me over so that she's on top. We start kissing aggressively as we grind into each other. I'm so turned on right now. Anna starts to grab my breast as we kiss. Then she pulls away.

Anna: can I take this off?

I nod and sit up slightly so that she can untie my top. She throws it over to the side. She kisses me again and as she does I untie her top and she throws it to the side as well. She starts rubbing me through my bottoms and holy shit it feels good. I start breathing heavily. She pulls away again.

Anna: can I take these off?

I nod yes again catching my breath.

Eva: Wait (I say as I grab her hand before she can get my bottoms off).
Anna: What's wrong?
Eva: Nothing I've just never done... anything like this before.
Anna: Well I'm okay with it if you are (she says caressing the side of my face).
Eva: Yea I'm okay

She stands up and slides my bottoms off as well as hers. Omg she's hot. She climbs back on top of me and we start aggressively kissing again. Then she pulls away and starts to kiss my neck. She kisses up to my ear and asks...

Anna: are you sure?
Eva: yes
Anna: ok just let me know if you want me to stop

She goes back to kissing my neck. She leaves hickeys as she goes down and kisses in between my breasts. I feel her hand slowly trace up my thigh into between my legs and she starts to rub slowly. I let out a soft moan and I can tell she likes it because she starts to go faster. I moan a little louder. After a little while she comes back up to my neck and starts kissing it. She gently slides a finger inside me. I moan as she goes faster in and out. She puts another finger inside me and goes faster.

Eva: fuck Anna (I moan)

She starts going really fast in and out of me. I keep moaning. I run my nails down her back. She takes out her fingers and moves down and attaches her mouth to me. I put my hand on her head. She goes faster with her tongue moving it in and out. After a few minutes I use my hand and push her head deeper.

Eva: Fuck Anna I'm so close (I moan)

She starts going faster.

Eva: oh fuck I'm coming (I moan super loud)

I release as she slows down and slowly runs her tongue over me for a minute as I relax and catch my breath. She comes up and lays down beside me and pulls me close.

Anna: how was it? (she asks as she runs her fingers through my hair)
Eva: it was amazing (I say as I lean in and give her a soft kiss on the lips)

We lay there for a few minutes. It sounds quieter downstairs the party must be dying down. I realize I didn't tell Emma where I went. I sit up quickly and look for my phone.

Anna: what's wrong?
Eva: My friends probably worried about me and I can't find my phone.
Anna: it's okay where's the last place you saw it?
Eva: I think I left it on the beer pong table.
Anna: I can go get it for you.
Eva: thank you.

She gets up and throws on a t-shirt and a pair of Nike shorts.

Anna: I'll be right back.

She walks out the bedroom door and closes it behind her. Did I just do something really stupid? I think I really like her. I think she likes me too. Wow she's good in bed.

Anna's POV
I walk downstairs to try and find Eva's phone, but more importantly to find Dev to collect my money. I walk through the living room and see Eva's phone on the beer pong table. I pick it up and continue looking for Dev. Not many people are still here. Mostly just passed out people and a few stragglers still talking. I walk out on the patio and see Dev and Taylor sitting by the pool. I walk over to them.

Anna: I'm here to receive my $200 Dev.
(she looks at me shocked)
Dev: No way I don't believe you.
Anna: oh really...

I turn around and lift up the back of my shirt to show them the scratches Eva left on my back.

Taylor: Holy shit she really did it.
Dev: Hold on, how do we know that's not just some random bitch's scratch marks.
Anna: here's Eva's phone I just came down to get it for her, look that's her on the lock screen.

Taylor starts laughing and playfully punches Dev's arm.

Taylor: haha you just lost $200
Dev: Damnit dude I didn't think it would actually happen.
Anna: I told you Dev, trust the process. I will take cash or Venmo.
Dev: yea yea you'll get your money.
Anna: Now, if you two losers will excuse me I have a beautiful naked lady in my bed waiting for me.

I turn and go to walk back up stairs. I walk into my room and Eva's laying down in my bed.

Anna: I found it.
Eva: Thank you so much (she says as I hand it to her).
Anna: No problem, do you want a t-shirt to put on?
Eva: yes please.

I walk over to get a t-shirt out of my closet and hand it to Eva. She puts it on and then immediately looks at her phone.

Anna: everything okay?
Eva: yea I'm just letting my friend know I'm alright.
Anna: well I would hope you're a little more than "alright" (I say giggling).
Eva: yea I am actually (she says kissing my lips softly for a second)
Anna: Good.
Eva: do you care if I stay the night? My ride kind of left me.
Anna: Yea that's fine we can just cuddle right here (I say as I wrap her in a hug and lay us down in a cuddling position).

She lays her phone down and snuggles into my neck. After a while I feel her fall asleep. As I drift off to sleep too, I can't believe I actually had sex with Eva. Actually I can't believe I had sex with Eva and simultaneously won $200. What a great party.
Wow Eva 😐🤚 can't believe she did it. Anna's such a player 🙄 anyways... I'll update soon. ❤️

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