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Jessica walked to the centre of the crater. Without fear or hesitation she picked up the amulet. Like an inspector she examined it. And then she asked the most striking question. Can I keep it? Being that at the time jess was luc's girlfriend he went up to her and made sure she was OK. Jess, what was that? I don't know, but it talked to me, it told me to get it. Then she looked in the eye, deeply and she explained what she saw. I see good and bad, compassion and hatred, love and greed. It is a window, a window to the soul. Poor girl, she didn't have any idea what she was getting herself into. Then the bell rang.
Sonia was proud luc just lifted 100 pounds with his bicep muscle, she thought that this was the time for a night out at the mall. Luc invited Alex, Jason, Sonia, Jess and Jordan. We all went to chapters and read naruto® except for luc which read dragon ball z®. A short while after luc decided to get a bite to eat for the occasion, he got a poutine. Then on his way back, someone, something stood in front of me, claws, horns red skin and worst of all, it had the amulet around its neck.

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