Oneshot - Mother-Son Skate Off Champion... and Kai (Jay & Kai)

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I got this idea at two in the morning a few weeks ago and I've been working on it since. It's the first thing I've published that's over 1k so that's cool I guess. Hope you like it!

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"C'mon Kai! It's just like walking!"

"No. It is not just like walking. If it was, I would've gotten the hang of his a loooong time ago. But, as you can see, we're still here."

"Well if you're going to be like that or course you'll never figure it out!"

"Yeah, because as long as I think I can skate, nothing will go wrong."

"That's not what I was-"

"You know, I'm starting to doubt if you're really a qualified teacher for this."

"You said that like five minutes ago! Come on! You can do this! Or I've wasted the entire day on a lost cause."

"I haven't gone three consecutive seconds without falling. Unless you count the time you shoved me and I crashed into the wall and got a nosebleed. I think I've gone far past the line of 'lost cause', Jay."

The two ninja were at a skate rink in Ninjago City. It wasn't too busy that day, and nobody really noticed them arguing, which was a plus. Jay had dragged Kai here almost an hour ago, determined to teach the stubborn idiot how to skate. It was going about as well as Jay had expected, really. When you live with Kai for so many years his stubbornness is almost predictable.

And sure, maybe Jay wasn't the best teacher, he couldn't deny that. Especially after having somewhat failed to teach actual children. He was just a simple man who knew how to rollerblade. But he was the champion of the Mother-Son Skate Off. He should at last be able to teach Kai how to skate forward without falling onto his face, butt, or a tragic combination of both.

Kai was just refusing to learn, really. Moving his feet the wrong way, even after Jay corrected him for the hundredth time. He even laced the skates up wrong after Jay showed him, with both of his own skates. Kai just didn't even want to try.

"What do you have against skating anyway?" Jay asked, exasperated.

"Wel I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, for one."

"That's what I've been trying to show you! We've been here for an hour, you can't possibly have picked nothing up from that?"

"It's just not my thing, Jay," Kai said, "I'd just rather spend my time on other things is all."

"Well that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Plus, it could be useful."

"In what situation will my knowing how to skate be useful?"

"Crazy noodle man holds roller derby competition: The Red One almost costs his team victory on several occasions."

"Other than that one time. And that was a very specific scenario, thank you very much."

"You know that we've had a lot of 'very specific scenarios' to the point I wouldn't doubt this could happen twice."

"You may be right, but that doesn't give me any hope that I won't fall flat on my face."

They went on like this until it was time for them to leave, Jay's first attempt a failure. An expected failure, but that was almost worse in some ways.

"How'd it go?" Cole asked when they got back, "How many bones did he break? Not counting the kids he tripped over, of course."

"Well he got the skates on," Jay said, "Which as about as far as I thought he would get anyways. And it wasn't very crowded, so no casualties."

"I would die a happy man if I never have to go through that again," Kai sighed.

"Hate to break this to you, but we're definitely doing that again," Jay said. Just because this failed semi-miserably first time mean that he was going to give up. Kai would learn how to skate. Even if it's the last thing he'd do. Jay would be fine either way, really, he was just stubborn. Plus, he had just spent an entire afternoon with Kai, so his stubbornness was amplified. So yeah. Jay wasn't going to give up, even on a lost cause.

And they definitely tried again. Jay forced Kai into the skating rink every Saturday for weeks before he actually picked anything up, but he picked something up. Kai had finally figured out how to balance on the skates, and move forward (albeit slowly) without falling. He flailed his arms at speeds Jay previously considered impossible, but Kai was figuring out how to skate.

Inch by inch, both of their efforts were paying off. For one, Kai didn't hate it anymore. It definitely wasn't his favorite thing to do, but hey, it's Kai. Even if, miraculously, skating was his favorite thing in the world now, he wouldn't admit that to anyone.

"Holy crap," Jay almost screamed at Kai finished a loop around the rink without falling, "You actually didn't fall!"

"Yeah, guess you're training actually paid-" Kai was cut off by falling on his face.

"That still counts," Kai groaned as he stood up again, and skated over to the wall, just to be safe.

"I still can't believe you didn't fall! It's a miracle! We have been blessed by the skating gods. So much so that a hopeless lost cause like Kai could figure this out!"

"I'm right here, you know."

"It's the truth and you know it," Jay stuck his tongue out at Kai, and Kai returned it with a certain obscene hand gesture that was definitely not appropriate for the children also at the skating rink to see. Jay gasped, loudly and dramatically, as Jay is prone to do on occasion.

"Kai! There are kids here! And also those kids parents!"

"C'mon it was pretty funny, mostly your reaction really. I don't think I've actually heard somebody gasp before."

"Shut up," Jay was laughing now, "Let's see if you can skate around the rink again, or if that time was just a fluke."

"It better not be a fluke. I did not do this for weeks just to not fall once."

"There's only one way to find out. C'mon, we're wasting valuable skating time."

Kai did fall, a lot. Because what could either of them have expected?

He also didn't fall a lot though, which was a huge improvement from where they started.

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