The Ugly Truth

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"What?" I asked Elena
"No time to waste,let's go" she said and started running.
I followed her to our hideout and I saw people bleeding.
All the masters were sweating even the grandmaster was sweating,but who are they fighting against.
Elena left me to check on those injured,casting a spell to heal their wounds.I started looking around searching for the person or the people they are fighting with.
And out of nowhere a man appeared,wearing a black hood which covers his face but you can clearly see the scar on his lips. And when he saw me,he let a little smile,the smile faded away when he faced towards the grandmaster.
"So will you give me what I came for or not??" He said in a deep crooked voice which shakes the very soul within me.
"I don't know who you are talking about" the grandmaster said in a shaky voice.
Even the grandmaster is scared,damn the man must be something.
"You are still lying" he said and started charging towards the grandmaster.
The grandmaster cast a spell but the man disappeared and appeared behind the grandmaster and knocked him out with just a single blow.
"I am only saying this for the last time and I won't ever repeat myself unless you give me what I want" he said.
He started walking towards us.
"I'm here because my master sent me,he says he wants his son back,I'll give you people time to think about it,so in 3 days time I'll come back for him,and I promise you,you don't want to see my ugly side" he said as he started walking back.
"And before I forget,you don't want to keep my master waiting,he is one ugly beast" he in a deep yet scared voice.
I can even tell that he is also scared of his master.
"Why don't you take him if you know who you want because we don't know of any son of your master" Master Stephan.
" I wish I can do that but I can't just take someone from a group with force,I can only do that if the group give the person to me,and if the group still does not listen to my demands" he paused for a while.
"I kill all the members in the group,leaving the person with no group members then I take the person, and if i don't have the time, I kill all of the masters here and take what i came for and judging by your faces I'm pretty sure you don't want to die" he ended his words with a smirk.
"Three days,or else......" He disappeared without competing what he was saying.
I still remember the smile the man gave me and it scares the hell out of me.
They were checking up on the grandmaster to see if he is ok, I looked at our place and saw the mess the man just made,even his apprentice is able to knock our grandmaster,the most powerful person in the whisper sentinel,what the hell will his master do.
"I believe its you they are talking about,you are the only person with no powers,and we are still figuring out what you are" the guy who i beat the last to get a chance to fight in the interview hall competition complained.
"Listen dude, I'm having a tough day to think about your ass,so please if you don't want me to kick your ass again,just kindly turn away" I said letting all my frustration on him.
He turned away without saying a word, I looked around and everyone was staring at me like a freak. I didn't mind them as I approached Elena.
"What are we going to do next" I asked her.
"The grandmaster has registered conscious,we are waiting for him to see what we will do." She said.
It took a while for the grandmaster to give his speech.
"First of all,we don't know who he is looking for and even if we did I'll sure be dead before I give the person to him" he said.
"I don't know about you,but we sure took a beating today,we didn't stand s chance against him,he says he gives us 3 days for us to give the person to him, I say we use those 3 days to train ourselves,let's get stronger,note united than today" he paused for a while looking at us.
"The other masters told me that he threatened to kill us all if we don't give him what he wanted,so I'm giving those who don't want to die,to leave when we finish solving the problem you can come back to us" he said.
He paused for a while but nobody left the room
"If you think people will call you a traitor or a coward because of leaving,then you have nothing to think of because if any one does that, the person answers to me." He said with a smirk this time.
As soon as he said that a lot of people started leaving the room,I turned around to look at the people left and we will not even reach 100.
All the masters stayed,Elena also did same,saw Maria and Darius too.
"I really appreciate your courage and effort fighting for a fellow member,now let's get stronger and fight our enemy" he said with hope shining in his eyes.
But for some weird reason that guy might be right,what if I'm the person he is looking for,because I have no powers like what others do,mine is different.
The grandmaster talked about how we will be training hard,how he will make all the spells ready for the witches to learn and how the other masters should teach their other students,what they haven't taught them. And he told me to continue my training with Maria to see if we get any results.
I went back to my room with a lot of questions dancing in my head,only to reach there with my roommates looking at me with a sad face.
"Are you kk Nick?" Seth asked.
"Yeah" I said trying to back it up with a bold voice.
"Its like you disappeared,we searched for you but we couldn't find you" Prince said
"I'm ok" I said with a smile.
"But,that guy what have you done to him for him to hate you like that" Spencer said.
"Yeah,the last time he spoke with someone much anger" Rick said trying to know what really happened.
"Its all happened back in High School,basketball finals against his team,he was the star player in their team,I was also the same in my team,we play the same position so I'm the one who will be guarding him,the game was a really tight game,the biggest lead was 6 points,but for the entire game we were tied" I paused for a while then continued.
"The game was still tied and it was left with 10 seconds for the 4th quarter to end and I was the one with the ball,and Stephen was the one guardian me,I focused on my handles and drawing him to a space he can go wrong,I did a wicked crossover which made him break his ankles and shot the ball and we won the game on a buzzer beater" I finished.
"So you won the game and he got angry?" Rick asked.
"It makes no sense" Prince said.
"I'm not done here" I said.
"My friend had the video of how I broke his ankles,so we started making fun of him,we add a little music to it and we made fun of him" I said with a smile remembering those days.
"I was popular so the video was given so much attention,even his girlfriend left him because she couldn't handle how people were laughing at her guy"I said still with the smile.
"I got to admit,I really made his life miserable so somehow I understand him if he wants to get back at me" I admitted.
"So you are just gonna stand there and let him have your girlfriend bragging around?" Spencer asked.
"Of course not,I'm Nicklas McCall,I've made his life miserable before and I can make it happen again" I said with a lot of confidence.
"That's the spirit" Seth said.
"So...what's the plan?" Prince asked.
"Elena and I will date dating and we will start a little war about who the best couple is,I'm gonna make sure he regret everything thinking that he can get back at me" I said.
"Are you sure Elena will just get back to you,she will feel more like a rebound girl or?" Seth asked.
"I know,its won't be easy,but I'll pull through" I said.
We talked for a while about different stuffs,football and ladies and the guys teased me about letting someone take my girl away.
Took my bath,ate something and studied for 2 hours.
"Nick" Kendrick mentioned whilst laughing.
He has also heard about the news.
"I told you,Elena is better than Ruth" he said still laughing.
I was silent because I know that he told me to go for Elena.
"How can Ruth do this to you and also she did it in this hall,wasn't she afraid to catch her?" Kendrick asked.
"I don't know bro,I just don't know" I said.
We were silent for a while.
"So.....will you go for Elena?" Kendrick asked after being quite for a while.
"Yeah.....I just hope she will accept me,she was really hurt when she found out that I was dating Ruth" I said feeling disappointed knowing that it will be difficult for her to accept me.
We talked for a while trying to come with a plan but we came up with nothing.I guess time will tell.
I got up feeling nothing but myself. I took my bath,ate something and went straight to whatsapp and saw that they have posted on the whisper sentinel group. It reads we will meet today to start our training.
I sent Asereht a message,we have been very close these past weeks,and yeah we met by chance,damn she is beautiful,funny,smart.

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