"Narrator" It was a normal day until a tragedy happen dorika got the maddest she could be and then her full power began" Dorika Said "WELLIS QUETEM SWAHELOOOOO. Dorkia Says "IF U NEVER RESPECT ME YOU ALL WILL PAY" She Destroyed a adoptian center "fuck yall kids" Dorika Said Lucy Said "FUCK U FUUUCK U JUST LEAVE THE KIDS FUCKING ALONE GOD DAM"! Kenny said "why wont you leave us alone you idiot" Oscar said "U FUCKING BITCH WHT THEY TO YOU AND WHAAT DID WE DO TO YOU WITH YOUR UGLY ASS". Dorika said " all yall stupid god you should be in a barnyard by now ill the farmer u too lucy you muddy as SHIT!" Lucy said "I know you aint talking bout me" Dorika said "Who else starts with the name lucy" Lucy said "shut you fat looking ass self out off here, NO we bout to fight" Dorika opened here full potential in her robot and broke their house" Lucy roasted her Lucy said "How fat u are is bigger then earth i mean you fat as fuck"Dorika says...
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