Bonus: leaves in FALL

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" i was tired, cause i had to woke up a bit earlier. i wanted to make something special today. a regular costumer loved this cupcakes and i wanted to surprise him today with new ones. i know... i should think of all my costumers, but i really like him. he is kind and he likes to flirt with me, even tho i am a man and so is he. but why not. in this village there is nothing exciting. its boring, but i am kinda bound to it, i cant leave here. and everytime he cames into my small bakery, i get a glimpse of excitement, a glimpse of life into this boringness. i decorated my cakes with pumpkins and witches, black cats and spiders. its gonna be haloween soon, so why not.

i cleaned the last bit of my counter and waited for the first costumer. the morning came and went, i had a lot to do, i sold bread, cakes and other sweet things i made. i like the people here, their are normal simple people, most farmers, most elderly. the simple life here out in the mountains made its inhabitans stubborn, but fair. they liked to try new things out, what i made my mission. they gave me their votes, if it was good, i stayed with it, if it wasnt, i never tried that again. over the last 3 years i had a lot of good ideas and a few bad ones. i had to smile when i saw my hardest critic comming in. "mrs. wang! i have cupcakes" "uh! why are they have spiders on it?" "cause its almost haloween" "u should put some nice writing on it, for the poor souls" "i will make some of them too. but these here are for fun. wanna have a witch, cat or pumpkin?" "why is the cream orange?" "pumpkin" "oh... the cat looks funny, i ll take it" i smiled wide at her. with a cup of black coffee, i gave her the cake and put it infront of her. she smiled with her overly wrinkled face and tried the cream. "mmm.... thats good jiminie! u are an artist!" i laught. "u should laugh more, my dear! or u ll get wrinkles! like me!" "but u are smiling the whole day" "yes now... but the dear boy, these were other times, hard times. now its all better" i noded. she liked to tell me about her life, her hardships and everything what was before i was born. i loved her stories. i heard my doorbell again and looked up. "oh! u are also here? our jiminie made some new cakes! look! all witches and black cats!" she grinned wide, i could see how many teeth were left in her mouth. i really love her. she was so cute! but my eyes were on him. here he was. i smiled at him and raised my brows amused, as he studied my work. witch craft! he smirked and tapped on mrs. wangs old hand. "i see. our jiminie likes to make fun of me and my religion, huh?" he looked to me, what made me grinned wider. his "jiminie" gave me shivers. mrs. wang laught and took a huge bite, what she washed away with a sip of her coffee. he turned to me. "jiminie? do i get some of these?" "course. i made them for u anyway" "really? more for your amusement!" i giggelt. "than i had naked pinups on them, not haloween decoration" he laught. oh how much i like his laugh! he purchased some of the cupcakes and ordered a cup of coffee too. "u goona stay a bit?" "hm... i ll start a bit later today.. so i have time... by the way, jimin?!" "yeah?" "i am here since... a year and 4 month and u never came for a confession!" "confession? what confession?!" "today, at.... 4:30 you ll gonna come and make a confession!" "why???" "cause u never did" "but ... thats not my religion" "so what? everybody here did eventually. u will see, its purefying, releaving!" "oh...i dont know" "jiminie, u should really go! i go every tuesday!" mrs. wang must listend to us. i sighed. "ok ok ok... 4:30, i ll be there" he clapped his hands "great. see yah" in what did i get myself into?!*



* i have him! he will be there in my trap! how long did i have to wait? too long! jiminie will come to me today and i will get my confession! finally! i really wanna get to know him. he is the only one, who got me interested. when i came here first, i was shocked to be in such a small village, with mostly old farmers, almost no youth. i imagined my first assignment to be in a huge parish, with a lot of people, not a run down church with only a hundret people wich i had to almost force into the curch. after some drunken nights with soju and the local farmers, lots of headaches afterwards, cake contests, stomach ache and maybe foodpoising, i had them. they came to my church, every sunday. and when they like it, they came for confessions. they thought really i would spent all my time in the church and am waiting for somebody to come around for some stories. and what i heard, i thought i was dreaming! elderly people are not diffrent than the young folks! affairs, alcohol problems, domestic trouble... i heard everything. sometimes i was amused, sometimes shocked. but in all they were forgiven. my boss and i forgive. with some punishment of course!

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