Chapter 1

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"Granny no I'm not working tonight I have a date with Emma I told you this last week please, I'll work tomorrow instead" Ruby said taking of her apron and shoving in under the counter. She had been working all day and wanted to go home, no matter how much Granny begged her Ruby was not going to give in this time. This was the first night out in about a month and Ruby was not about to give up again.

Emma had been working really hard on some big case and had finally agreed to have the night off and go out with Ruby. It was their 1 year anniversary and Ruby really wanted to celebrate. She had managed to persuade Emma, and it had taken some persuading indeed. Emma was a bit of a workaholic. No matter what was going on Emma worked and worked. She loved her job but she knew she needed to have some time of. One night wouldn't hurt.

"Ruby please, just work tonight, Lacey hasn't showed up, and the diner is really busy right now. I just need you to cover the closing shift until I can get someone else in" Granny said. Looking at the clock. "Just stay for an hour until I can get someone else in"

"Granny no, It's mine and Emma's anniversary I'm not working" Ruby said storming out of the diner. There was no way she was missing tonight. She had hardly seen Emma over the last week.

Emma had been working all hours. Ruby headed over to the Sheriffs station to see if Emma was still there. The door was open which Ruby knew meant Emma was there still.

"Emma, why are you still here. I thought we were going out tonight. I haven't seen you all week." Ruby said walking into the office.

Emma looked at Ruby and gave a weak smile. Ruby knew what was coming next. Ruby knew this look. It was the look Emma gave every time she had to cancel on her. Emma sighed and stood up. Walking towards Ruby she wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her in close.

"Ruby I'm sorry... There has been a big break in the case I'm going to have to work late. This case is really important." Emma said locking her eyes on Ruby's. She could see the disappointment in Ruby's eyes and it made her feel bad.

"But Emma, you promised... You said we would go out tonight." Ruby said pulling away from her, the disappointment evident in her tone of voice.

"I know Ruby and I'm sorry I really am but you know how important this case is. I've been working on it for months. And with this new evidence that has just come in we are so close to catching the culprits" Emma said looking to Ruby.

Emma felt bad. She didn't want to cancel on Ruby, after all it was their anniversary and Emma had been looking forward to it all week. She hated disappointing Ruby but she really wanted to get this case finished.

"I'll make it up to you Ruby I promise. This weekend we will do something special just the two of us" Emma looked at Ruby but she knew it was too late. Ruby's face said it all. The disappointment was evident.

Emma felt bad. She really hated it when she had to let Ruby down. But Emma had something planned for the weekend. Ruby was always talking about going to New York so Emma had planned to take her at the weekend. 

"Ruby please I promise you this weekend we will do something special. I have planned something for us." Emma tried to pull Ruby close to her again but Ruby pushed her away. 

With tear filled eyes Ruby walked out of the sheriff's station. Emma sat back at her desk, head in hands, the guilt building up inside her. 


Emma pulled out her phone. It was an unknown number. "sheriff Swan speaking"

"Hello, Sherriff Swan speaking..." Emma said again. 

There was no reply, before Emma could speak again the line went dead. Emma looked at the phone confused and put it back in her pocket. 

As Ruby entered the diner, she quickly wiped her tear filled eyes. Hoping nobody had seen. "Granny I'll do the night shift if you would like. Looks like plans have changed." Ruby said with a false smile. The hurt still evident on her face. 

Granny looked at Ruby, and knew not to ask questions. She just smiled and nodded to Ruby. 

Emma sat at her desk scrolling through the files on the computer trying to piece together the evidence. Something about this case still wasn't making sense, but Emma couldn't put her finger on it. 


"Sherriff Swan speaking" Emma said answering the phone. 

"Emma, its David we need you to come to the house asap" her dad said, there was something off in his voice. 

Emma put the phone down and grabbed her keys, she headed over to her parents apartment, running up the stairs and banging on the door.

"Mom, dad what's wrong?" Emma said as she entered the apartment. 

They looked at her, was it shock on their face, confusion, disappointment? Emma couldn't work it out. David pointed to the couch. Emma sat down her parents sat opposite. Oh great it was that look. The 'We need to talk' look. 

"Mom, Dad what's going on. I'm busy. There has been a big break in the case." Emma said looking at her parents. 

"Emma what are you doing. It's your anniversary. You shouldn't be working you should be out with Ruby celebrating, having fun, having a life" Her mother said looking from Emma to David and back to Emma. 

"Mom, is this really why you called me here. To tell me that I should be out partying and getting drunk. I'm working on a big case right now. I don't have time for this. I have to get back to the station" Emma said standing headed for the door. 

"Emma stop! You need to to listen to us. If your not carful your going to end up pushing Ruby away." David chimed in taking Emma's arm and pulling her back tot he couch. 

Emma sat back on the couch looking at her parents. They just didn't seem to understand what was going on. They didn't get how important this case was for Emma. They never understood how important Emma's work was to her. 

"You can't just keep cancelling plans like that with her Emma she was really upset when she came back into the diner." her mother said. 

Emma looked at her parents. She knew Ruby had been upset when she left the station. Emma felt bad enough for cancelling on Ruby, she really didn't need her parents shouting at her like she was a school kid who had just been caught stealing a candy bar. 

"You two just don't understand the pressure I am under right now. This is a big case I am working on. If I fail in this case then I will lose my job" Emma said looking at her parents. 

"And if you don't start taking some time out and spending time with Ruby you will end up losing her as well Emma... What's more important to you. Your job or Ruby?" David said. The anger rising in his voice. 

Emma couldn't sit there and listen any more. She knew where this was headed and she did not want an argument with her parents. She took one last look at them before getting up and walking out of the apartment. 

"Emma!" her parents called as the door slammed shut behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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