How you met him // oneshot

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You were currently in a pet shop, trying to pick right food for your cat. You recently moved to new place, on the other side of the city, and now you don't know which kind of food here is actually good for cats. Not only that, but your cat was naturally picky eater so you have always struggled with what kind of food you should buy for her. You sighed as you looked at prices. Being the broke collage student, didn't give you much oportunity to choose either.

As you were standing there, you felt someone standing behind you. You looked back and saw handsome young man with kind of irritated look in his eyes. "Could you move a little bit!?" he said with annoyed tone in his voice. "Yeah... s-sure..sorry" you said and moved. He had a mask on, so you coulndn't see his whole face but you clearly saw his eyes. As you moved aside, still looking in his beautiful eyes, he rolled his eyes and came forward to the shelf with cats food.

He picked the biggest box and as he was about go to the cashier to pay, you grabbed his arm and said: "Sorry, but could you help me pick the food for my cat? I am new here and I'm little bit lost." You smiled awkwardly. He rolled his eyes and sighed but turned around and told you which food he likes the most to buy for his cats. "I recommend taking this one, because it is not too expensive and the box is big. I am sure your cat is gonna like it." he said. You mumled a little "thank you" as he turned around and went to pay and than disappiered from the shop. You took the food he recommended and went home as well. 

2 days later

You were going to coffee shop you discovered recently. It is not far from your apartment and coffee is pretty good. You went inside and ordered you regular and favourite drink: vanilla latte. After you payed you went outside and took your phone out to check the time. It was 8:02 am and weather was nice. As you were enjoying the moment, someone rushed beside you and started walking fast down the street.

As he was in a hurry, he didn't realise that his wallet fell out of his pocket. "Sir your wallet fell down!" you yelled after him but he didn't hear you. You picked up the wallet and ran after him. When you reached him you were out of breath. "S-sir you l-lost your wallet." you said and looked up to him. He looked familiar. And than it clicked you: "Oh my God, you helped me in the pet shop the other day." you said. "Yeah I did." he said and looked at you. His eyes were softer compared to eyes you saw 2 days ago. They looked kind of... tired.

You shrugged your thoughts away and handed him the wallet. "Thank you for that. Oh and also sorry for acting annoyed the other day. I was just working really hard and i was really stressed. I hope your cat likes the food tho." he said and you smiled. "Yeah don't worry about it. All of us have days when we are feeling down. And yes she likes the food so thank you for recommendation." He chuckled. "No problem" he said. "You said you are new here, what is your name? Maybe I can show you around the place if you want?" he asked shyly. "Yeah I would love that. My name is Y/n. And yours?" "Minho" he aswered. "Give me your number so i can contact you and we can meet." he said while giving you his phone so you could put your number in. You gave hin your number and he softly smiled. "Well I am gonna be late for work, so I have to go. But i will see you around Y/n. Bye" "Yeah, okay. See you around. Bye" you said as he walked away.

Lee Know // imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now