Almost lost Christmas // oneshot

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You placed the last ornament on the Christmas tree. It was Christmas eve and you waited for your boyfriend to come home from a business trip. He worked today, but was supposed to have 2 weeks off after. Business trip was a surprise to both of you, since you planned on staying home and decorating the house together. You sighed and looked at the tree you decorated by yourself. You missed him. But then you smiled knowing you will be together soon.

Two hours later it was already past 8 pm. You wrapped the gift you bought for him and put it under the Christmas tree. You decided to call him and ask when he is supposed to be here, since you didn't know when is his plane lending. He answered after 2 rings. "Hey baby.. I should be home in 2 hours." "Oh okay. I will be waiting for you. I love you" "Love you more. I will see you soon." You hung up and something on the TV took your attention. You turned the volume up and heard a man saying "Snowstorm is getting worse above our town every second. Some flights might be canceled. If you are going outside, make sure to dress warm and don't stay outdoors for too long." You didn't want to panic. His flight won't be canceled and you will be together in 2 hours. 

Minho was just about to pass a security check when he heard a lady on a speaker "Flight 325 has been canceled due to the snowstorm. We are asking passengers for understanding and patience." That was his flight. He sat down in the waiting area and grabbed his head with his hands. All he wanted today was to hug you at midnight. To kiss you passionately and wish you happy Christmas. Now he will probably not only spend his Christmas eve here, but also a majority of Christmas day. The storm won't be over any time soon and that means he can't go home. As much as it hurt him, he knew he had to call you and let you know he isn't able to make it today. He dialed your number. You answered right away. "Hey baby, are you already on your way home? I can't wait for you to come" He heard your excited voice and sighed. "No, actually my flight just got canceled. I won't be able to come home. I'm so sorry." Silence. You were completely quiet, almost as he wasn't talking to anyone. "Y/n? Are you there?" And then he heard a sniff. His heart shattered. "Yes I'm here. I just... okay.." "Please Y/n I'm so sorry..." "No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. We will see each other tomorrow then. I will wait for you." He felt bad. This was the worst Christmas ever. "I promise I will come as soon as I can. I love you" "I love you more Minho. You don't even know how much." With that you hung up the call. He sighed. It was almost 9 pm and he was hungry. This is going to be a long night, so this airport better have good coffee to buy. 

You wiped your tears away. This can't be happening. You won't spend your Christmas eve and Christmas day all alone. After all this is the time of miracles and wishes coming true. You took your phone, wallet and car keys. You decided to drive all the way there. You and the love of your life will be together for Christmas and there is nobody proving you otherwise.

Snowstorm was bad. You were driving with eyes wide open, all attention on the road. It was past 11 and you were almost with him. Just a little bit more and you will be in his embrace.

Minho was drinking his third coffee and chewing a very dry tasteless sandwich he bought at the airport. He was tired, annoyed and just wanted to have you in his arms. He couldn't eat anymore so he stood up and threw the rest of the worst sandwich he had ever tasted in the trash can. He sighed when he suddenly heard his name being called. He turned in the direction the voice was coming from and couldn't believe his eyes. You were running towards him. Is this Christmas miracle everyone is talking about?

You entered the airport and immediately started looking for him. It wasn't long before you saw him throwing something in the trash. You called his name and ran in his direction. Surprise was obvious on his face when you jumped in his embrace. He hugged you tightly. "What are you doing here? How did you... how?" "I drove here. You didn't think I would let you stay in this dusty airport all alone for Christmas now, did you?" He smiled and kissed you passionately. Just then the big clock announced midnight. Which meant it was Christmas. You smiled and pulled back smiling at each other. You raised your gazes and saw you were standing under the mistletoe. You laughed and he pulled you in a tight hug once again, still not believing you are actually standing in front of him. You put your arms around his neck and softly whispered in his ear "Merry Christmas baby, I love you." 

Lee Know // imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now