day 1 new recruite

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Shiloh's pov:

Anxiety, fear, worry it all consumed m every thought

'what if they don't like you'
'What if they think your weak'
'What if they hate you'
'what if there sexist'
'would get treat you like a equal'
'would they hit on me'
'are they like the females'

All that went through my head is what if's, woulds, and are they's it's hard to breath I can feel my anxiety growing my heart racing suddenly it's like my heart is being squeezed and my stomach is doing flips and turns. Then I remembered the words of my friend Shane she said "when ever you feel like your having a panic or anxiety attack remember to take 1 deep breath in hold it for 5 seconds and breathe out slowly do it 5-20 times and if it doesn't work then get a tight hug and reassurance from someone" Shane was my good friend but she died right Infront of me by taking the hits of bullets and killed the last group of terrorists that invaded Japan. I miss her every day and the only thing I have of her is her dog tags that I wear with mine and her favorite black and blue hoodie it has printing on the back saying

' I don't give a fuck burn in hell bitches'
It also has red flames on the arms and the wrist part is slightly torn

"Shiloh Okami come in here"
"Yes sir" I say in a tone that hides my anxiety and fear
"Soldiers this is your new alie and recruit Shiloh okami'

They all look at me im the center of attention I don't like it I hate it I hate the looks they give me instantly fear comes back to me like waves of the ocean knocking you down the anxiety you feel when you inhale salt water it all comes crashing down on me like a full blown tsunami

"She has a dog named rocky and some info on her is she has ADHD anxiety and a phycotic side when she's in that state get me or calm her down if you can the way you tell she's in that state is her eyes glow green. She will be roommates with Rio"

"That is all for today tomorrow we will start up the training"

🕐 Time skip 🕐
Shiloh's pov

I was following Rio and had rocky with me right by my side "what breed is she" I heard "huh" I asked confused "I asked what bree-" "I got it pls stop just stop I got it she's a pit and dalmatian mix" "that's interesting we're almost to the room now" after what felt like hours we were finally there "were here I'll let you get settled in be warned it's basically a apartment I'll be training you can explore and settle into your room any changes you want done you can do" " alright thanks" I replied to him. He just nodded his head and left

roommates Rio Mason love storyWhere stories live. Discover now