Prologue: The Beginning Of the End

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Tw : swearing, physical assault, terrorism, war crime, kidnapping and mentions of human/countryhumans trafficking. (Does that even make sense???)

Proceed with caution.

⚠️Reminder that I don't support any of those. I'm only writing it for the sake of the story.

Edit : I've used a website/Google traduction for the translation in Tuvaluan, Palauan and Swahili. If anyone speak those languages though, please let me know so I can fix it as I would also credit you! (It was such a pain in the ass- but I had fun lol-)


It wasn't even morning yet and there was already a lot of chaos in The Pentagon.

"ONU please listen to me, this is the first time in the past decades that we have this kind of case. We must do something before it's too late!" UNESCO, one of the calmest people, partially spoke very loudly in the meeting who was being held hidden from everyone, except organizations who were officially recognized in Neo Pangea.

For the first time, no countries or even their own government were there. Most of the present organizations were panicking while the other tried to remain the calm but nonetheless, the gravity of the situation was high enough and if UNESCO even panicked, that meant it was severe. But what exactly happened?

Well, to make it short, a group of anti-countryhumans have started to form and they are planning to overthrow them.

At first, organizations had death threats but just decided to ignore it because 1)most of them were just pointless and flat insults from some this group of people and 2)they were just hateful tweet or speech there and there, not an actual terrorist attack. Therefore, they just warned countries that some humans would be very uncanny towards them and that they should be more careful and cautious mainly around the streets and liminal space.

That was until two countries got reported missing.

As soon as they heard that someone, who was probably with a high chance from the hate group, abducted Equatorial Guinea and Bhutan, NATO has made sure that security in Neo Pangea would be increased as AU and EU were in charge of doing negotiation to let them go. In the end, they were freed, probably traumatized but freed.

After that incident, United Nations and the others started to worry about those anti-countryhumans who really hated them so much to the point of hurting one of the personification. On the meanwhile, EU and AU wanted to help the two countries but neither the Equatorial guinean or the Bhutanese wanted to tell anything about what did they saw, too scared to open up about it.

United Nations sighed.

"I know this Unesco but we can't just bring ourselves to jump into hâtive conclusions and that's why I still wanted to do this meeting, with only us because I'm scared that people would target us more if we're with the other actual countryhumans."

European union glared at him with disbelief." What do you mean "jumping into hâtive conclusions?? "UN we are currently being threatened and two countryhumans actually got kidnapped! At first, we only had a few threat there and there but that never happened before! This is not a hypothesis anymore, it's the actual truth!" she started to argue as UN raised his hand to shut her mouth.

"I didn't talked about the threats. I talked about the solutions. Yes, we have been receiving threats and even death one while two countries have gotten abducted but this is not a reason to find the most absurd solution European union. And you should know it, considering that you are known for keeping your composure and not trying to cause more conflicts. "He argued back, raising an eyebrow as the anthropomorphic european woman looked at him with anger but calmed down and sat back on her seat, more like sank on it, grumbling under her breath.

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