Chapter 10

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I dropped down into the middle of Elizabeth's warehouse and took out three of her men before my smoke bomb cleared.

"Rosealie" Elizabeth greeted me with a smile. "We've been expecting you" I hissed when two huge guards restrained my arms. I fought against them until something hard and cold pressed against my temple. My blood ran cold at the metalic click that echoed through the warehouse.

The building was huge, packed with an endless supply of Fraternity assassins. My heart started racing. Not because of the gun pointed at my head.

"Adrian!" I called his name. His eyes snapped up to mine. I gasped at what i saw. His eyes were clouded with pure black hatred.

"Its your fault Rose" his voice was unrecognizable.

"What are you-"

"You killed us Rose" Lynx and Pyro stepped up beside Adrian. Their voices sounded hollow.

"No! I didnt mean for-"

"You never mean for it to happen Rose" Raven laughed at me. Hunter and Chris stood on either side of her.

"Raven, you know that I-"

"Give it up Rose. All you do is destroy" Stone flashed me a wicked smile.

"No" I fought against the assassins that held me.

"How could you do this Rosie" Sammy stepped up with tears streaming down his face.

"Sammy!" I fought hard and kicked away from the arms that tried to hold me back.

"Let her go" Elizabeth's voice rang out. I was pushed forward so hard that i landed on my knees.

"You're toxic"


"Killer" one by one familiar faces popped up around me, led by my friends. Tears stung my eyes as i walked in a circle, meeting each of their hateful gazes.

"Im sorry!" I yelled at them and held my head in my hands.

"Sorry doesnt fix the fact that youve ruined our lives" i spun around at the sound of Fanes voice. He flashed to my side and made me jump.

"Fane" i whispered.

"But you can save us Rose" his voice was cold and dangerous. He pushed a gun into my hand and aimed it at Sammy.

"No" i fought against him.

"Rose" his breath brushed my neck. "Save us" his hand trailed down my arm. I kept the gun aimed upwards.

"Elizabeth will come for all of us. Save us from her Rose" Fane continued as he stepped away.

"Save your friends Rose" Elizabeth mocked and chuckled darkly.

"Do it Rose!"


"Save us" I clenched my jaw at the voices and squeezed my eyes shut. Tears streamed down my face.

"I will save you" I glanced at each of them. I pointed the gun at Elizabeth. She laughed at me mockingly and pulled out a gun of her own. I was restrained again as she fired the gun. Time seemed to slow as Raven fell lifelessly to the ground. I screamed as Chris followed her next.

"Stop! Please stop!" I fought weakly against the men that held me. Tears stung my eyes.

"They're safe now Rose. Away from you" Adrian spat.

"No" I whispered.

"But who are you really putting in danger?" Elizabeth smirked as two men brought out Fane. They forced him to his knees and made him look at me.

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