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Rain poured down this gloomy day. It seems cliché to have rain fall down when you're burying a love one - but with two taken so suddenly from Mobius' life, he thanked whoever was above for allowing the rain to fall as they washed away his tears. The sound of the rain pouring down on the umbrellas that covered the crowd was heard ever so slightly against the ringing in Mobius' ear. Some droplets fell onto the two white caskets - one was child size, the other was normal. But Mobius knew who were in there: he unfortunately never got the chance to hear them again, nor will he.

It was a car crash. Daniel, Mobius' husband for six years going on seven, had went to pick up their daughter, Renée, from ballet practice. Daniel's hazel eyes were so full of life and promise that comforted Mobius. Their daughter had vibrant green eyes and curly black hair that matched Dan's. Mobius wanted to go, but he was stuck doing paper work he had to take home - it was important for the TVA Enterprise to have it done by the end of the day Friday, as they were strict with time. He promised to be safe under the harsh rain conditions and reports of lightning strikes. He promised he'd be back. An hour passed, then two, then three. And when the sales agent reached for his phone, the device rang to deliver the news that they were in the hospital, severely injured.

He remembered his blood dropping as he raced to the car and sped to the hospital where he waited and waited. Nurses and responders who had interacted with them had came up to him and informed him that the crash was caused by the disruption of lightning hitting the lights, causing them to hay wire. Someone was driving sixty-five at an intersection- due to the haywire, both signs were green and they ended up colliding, causing the car to skid and flip over. Mobius broke down, but it was even worse when the doctors came out and released the news to the man: the injuries were too damaging that poor Renée didn't even make it before entering the building, while Daniel ended up passing away before they could do anything. CPR was unable to give them any support, shocking him didn't help either. They were pronounced dead - the worst thing to hear as a father and as a husband.

And now, a little while later, he stands in the grave yard, surrounded by friends and co-workers; Mobius feels more alone as ever as he watches the loves of his life be lowered in the ground. He drops a rose in both holes, both flowers fall on the casket before they are covered in dirt.

He was numb, and he was in pain. He didn't charge the man who rammed into them (as he too was injured severely - left paralyzed from the waist down), as he knew it wasn't his intention, but knowing there is that guilt forever associated - he refused to allow someone who was also traumatized by the event to suffer in a cell. "You're always looking in the good of people, love." Dan had said to him once with a soft smile. It was always something that Mobius did that drew Dan to him in the first place, five years before their marriage.

He felt a hand on his back, the man turns to see Ravonna - his boss and closest friend since their college days. She gave him a look that spoke more apologises than what words could say. He nods his head, holding tears back from falling. She jerks her thumb to the car, saying that it was time to go. Mobius once again nods.

"Give me a moment, Ravonna. I'll... I'll be there soon." Mobius chokes back.

She nods, leaving him to his grief. She looks at him with concern as she heads to the vehicle. She sighs sadly, feeling the pain for her friend.

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't there with you both..." Mobius cries as he rests his hands on both gravestones. "I... I love you both so much..."

He pulls away, as much as he didn't want to. And headed towards the car. Walking away, pieces of his shattered heart fell behind him.


Time never heals any wounds, especially the emotional ones. Mobius thought to himself as he awoke one morning. It was well over a month since the funeral and Mobius looked and felt horrible: his silver hair, once short and tidy, was long and reeked of stench - three days of not showering would be the source. His face, fairly scruffy with a neatly trimmed mustache, was now a beard. Bags hung under his grey-blue eyes, and he always wore a frown or just a blank face nowadays. Ravonna and Beatrice, another close friend of Mobius, noticed it and asked him if he was alright. He brushed it off quietly and continued his work. But everyone knew that Mobius wasn't doing well mentally or emotionally.

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