jacobs pov~~~'
aftwe our sexy make out sessiin I puled away and notice d he wasn't speokinh....
"adrien???!!!!!!", I scrimainf out in. agony. I fell onto my news and then I Sartre sobibing into oblviofon...
at htis secy strip ckub fueranal...
I liked into adikins. casket to fine je was covered in win.
"im sour, mi amour", i cried into his lifeless earlobe..
I kissed him in the cheeck and then started crying.
I cried so much that tears and sipt got all oever his secy lifeless face.. god how I mis sista.
adrenalines poverties~~
I was dead ima mity casket and I heard fucking ugly ass cries and I loved up to see my lvoes ones bueaituiful big giant blue orbs glistening in harry s past.
I go tup right away and I saterdt gasping for air dramatically.. On my way! up I felt my head clash int o darks beacystugul wet face.
"I love you", I said apssisnhionatly while kissing him on his eye..
"I overt ou too", those were darks last words before we leaned into an intense sex sehs inside of my spacious casket.