Meeting Him Again

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Jake Mason and I had been childhood best friends from birth until I was seven and he was nine, when my parents moved me to Texas and his parents moved him to England. Now I'm an average sixteen year old and he's the lead singer of the international rock band "JM and the Boys". All my friends are in love with him and his band, while I'm just curious as to whether he remembers me. The answer to my question came one night during the CMA's which I was watching at my best friend Lauren's house with our friends Jesse and Jen. When JM appeared on the screen my friends all screamed, "Oh my gosh! He is sooooo hot!" Jesse squealed.

"Shhhhh! He's starting to say something!" Jen yelled at her twin sister. We all focused on the tv as he started to talk, our moms, who were hanging out in the kitchen, all came into the living room to see what the comotion was about. Knowing it must be JM they all sit down to listen to him, they like him nearly as much as a teenage girl does.

"Tonight, I'm gonna sing "Be my Girl"."

 By the time he was finished singing, nearly every girl on earth was drooling all over him, and before walking off the stage he says, "Not many of you know this, but this song is dedicated to my best friend from when I was growing up. A girl I knew for nine years before my parents moved me to England. I don't know if you're watching this, but if you are and you remember me, please tell your mom so she can call my parents to make dinner plans. I can't wait to see you bunny!" I gasped at his nickname for me and my friends all stared at me. I turned to look at my mom, the curiosity obvious in my wide eyes.

 "Yes, Mary, it's you he's talking about and before you ask, his parents found me and your father on FaceBook about three weeks ago, we would have told you, but Jake begged us not to. Do you want me to call his parents about making dinner plans?" She asks, as if the answer isn't obvious on my face.

 "I would greatly appreciate it, if you would." I answer with a smile as she gets up, and walks into the kitchen to make the call.

 "Mary Elizabeth Johnson! How dare you not tell us about your relationship with JM!?" Lauren yells at me.

 "What relationship? We haven't seen each other in almost ten years!" I yell back.

 "Apparently yall still have some kind of relationship, otherwise he wouldn't call you out at a national Awards show, just to invite you to dinner." Jen says instead of yelling.

 "Jen's right, no boy goes that far out of his way just to make plans with a girl, when he could have just as easily made the same plans with your parents." Jesse says, agreeing with her sister.

 "Like he said we were best friends when we were kids."

 "Are you sure, yall weren't more than friends?" Lauren asks, a curious glint in her eyes.

As I start to answer, a flashback resurfaces.

     "I am going to miss you so much, Jake!" seven year old me said, as I hugged Jake. We were sitting outside in our favorite tree house in his back yard.

 "I'm gonna miss you too Mary, I wish we could stay together. but we can't." nine year old Jake said with a frown.

 "I don't see why I can't just come with you!" I cried.

 "Because your parents would miss you." Jake wisely replied. "I want to give you something though, something people give away when they love someone."

 "What is it Jake?" I asked curiously.

 "A kiss, if you'll let me."

 "I love you, Jake, but momma says I'm to young to kiss boys and that kisses are to be shared with someone special. I don't know what she means by someone special, but you're so special to me so will you save your first kiss for me, for when we're older and I know what she means by someone special?"

 "Of coarse, I will. Will you promise to save your first kiss for me, even if we don't see each other for ten years?"

 "Jake, I'll save my first kiss for you, even if we don't see each other for a hundred years."

 "I love you, Mary, and I'll save your kiss forever if I have to."

 "MARY.... JAKE... Say good-bye, it's time to go." our parents yelled.

 We quickly hugged and I said through tears, "Good-bye Jake, I'll miss you so much!"

 "I'll miss you so much more." He said.

 "What if we never see each other again?" I asked him.

 "We will, I'll make sure of it."

 "You promise?"

 "I swear."

 "You weren't just friends, there was something more wasn't there?" Jen asked, knowing from my silence that something was keeping me that way.

 "The day we moved, right before our parents called us to leave, we promised to save our first kisses for each other. He asked if he could kiss me then, because people who loved each other gave each other kisses; but I asked if he would save it for me, because my mom had said that kisses were special things that you only give to special people, and since I didn't know what was so special about a kiss, I didn't want to kiss anyone until I knew what it meant. So, he promised to save my kiss for as long as I needed him to. I don't know if he did, but that doesn't really matter so much as the fact that he kept his other promise, to make sure we saw each other again."

 "Aww, that is soooo cute!" Lauren cooed.

 "Is that why you refuse to date anyone, because you basically promised yourself to him?"

 "That's part of the reason, but honestly I just don't like the guys yall try to hook me up with..."

 A week later, I'm trying to figure out what to wear to dinner with the Mason's and I have no idea what I should wear, so I call Lauren, my fashion advisor for help. "Lauren, I need your help asap. I have no idea what I should wear to Jake's house tonight."

 "Not to worry girl, I know exactly what you should wear. Get your white knee length skirt and the powder pink "Be mine" shirt, wear your white flip-flops with your hair down, that way you're super cute but also casual and anything but attention desperate."

 "Oh my Gosh, Lauren! Thank you so much! I love you, you're a life savor!"

 "I know," She says with an obvious smirk in her voice, "Now, hurry up get ready, you've got a rock star to impress."

 "Bye Lauren, thank you."

  "I expect a full detail review of everything that happens tonight."

 "I know, I know."

 "Bye Mary, have fun!"

 My parents and I are standing outside the Mason's front door and as nervous as I am, you would expect that I'm about to get on stage and perform in front of a huge crowd. After waiting for probably sixty, very long, seconds the front door finally opens and I'm standing behind my parents.

 "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, it's great to finally see you again. Please, come in." A relatively deep voice with a hint of a British accent, that I assume belongs to Jake says. Then after my parents walk in the house he walks out of the house closing the door behind him, before I can walk in. He stares at me, wide eyed for a few minutes until finally I can't take it anymore, "Hi Jake."

 He blinks a few times and then says, "Wow, bunny, you certainly aren't the little girl I see you as.... You're gorgeous."

 I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks, "Thank you, Jake."

 "And, that blush in your cheeks is totally adorable." He added, causing me to blush even more. "Do you want to go in and eat. So, we can have plenty of time to catch up afterwards?"

 "Mmhmm." was all I could say, he had me tongue-tied.

The Average Girl and Her Rock Star Best Friend (On Hold, for now)Where stories live. Discover now