Colliding Worlds

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        “Swift? Boss?” Jonathan calls Taylor’s name for the third time that hour. Ever since her lunch break where she say the gorgeous girl on the subway, Taylor had been distracted.

        “I’m sorry, Jon. Go over that last point with me again,” she leans forward and forces herself to truly listen to the man’s words this time. To be honest, it’d been awhile since she’d been distracted by a person at work. Her friends Ella and Selena had set her up on a couple dates before, but nothing clicked more than work did, and Taylor was starting to give up. Now though, there was this mysterious tall woman who she would probably never see again and of course it’s all she thinks about.

               When the meeting is finally over, Taylor returns to her office feeling only slightly more informed. It’s primarily her restless mind’s fault, but also the fact that they’ve been virtually stuck for months, or since the last time kballetk made a move. If Taylor’s right about the hacker’s timeline, and she usually is, they should be striking in the next couple weeks. She was hoping to find them before then, but sadly it didn’t seem likely. Feeling distracted and downtrodden, Taylor excuses herself from work earlier than she had in weeks. There was only one thing she wanted to do in that moment, her favorite escape of a Central Park walk.

        The chill in the air invigorates her lungs and she takes her time meandering through down the sidewalks she’s grown to love. Some joggers pass her occasionally and she can hear kids laughing somewhere close by. When she stops at a bench to sit and people watch for awhile, her mind struggles to stay away from kballetk or the green-eyed beauty. Every tall blonde she sees peaks her interest momentarily before she realizes it’s not her.

        “Pathetic…” Taylor mutters to herself after the third jogger was proven to not be her subway woman. But some part of her disagrees, it’s the part that noticed the way the woman gasped when their eyes connected and the spark in her eyes. It’s the part of her that hopes the woman is somewhere spending as much time thinking about her; it’s also the part of her that’s correct.




        Karlie is good at compartmentalizing her mind. She always has been and it’s a good thing since you don’t get to be successful in her trade without that ability. Which is why the blue-eyed woman isn’t too much of a distraction the rest of the day as she focuses on writing a paper for her business economics class. It isn’t until she’s finished for the night and laying in her bed that she allows that wall to come down. For as long as Karlie can remember, she’s loved women. Their shape, their smell, their hair, and the softness of their skin. She’s no stranger to dating women either; her last relationship ending about 9 months ago. Since then she’d been focusing on the single life and her busy schedule. It’d been easy to do since there hadn’t really been anyone peeking her interest. Until now. She knows she sounds crazy, since they only saw each other for three seconds, and that was probably the last time she’ll her too, but right now as she drifts off to sleep she’s only wishing that maybe the beauty will at least appear in her dreams…


        “Paulie’s never disappoints,” Derek sighs as he and Karlie exit their favorite little restaurant. They discovered the place the week after they moved to the city together. Derek was one of her oldest friends, and Karlie always loves their time together.

        “Never. This place is only a couple blocks down. I recognized a couple artists that I think you’ll like, plus free champagne!” Karlie laughs as they start walking to the art gallery.

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