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__________ Another day had went by without seeing the spiders. It almost felt like during the short amount of time I spent with them I had become addicted to them.
I just wanted one more taste.
They were soon to be sold to the black market for their organs meanwhile Angel would be held captive until her family paid a certain fee to get her back.
I got ready for dinner quickly and opened the door to my room.
There stood Angel, with me at gun point.
"One sound and I'll blow your brains out princess."she smiled politely.
She quietly closed the door pushing me onto the bed.
She stood infront of me staring me down like some mean girl from school.
"So here's what's gonna happen snooks. You're gonna help me help the spiders escape by distracting your father and his guards then in the meantime me and the spiders will sneak out through the tunnels under your dads pr-"
"I cant!" I complained, forgetting about what she had said before.
"SHUT. UP." She growled, shoving the gun into my mouth.
So she wasn't lying huh...
"And we'll go on and live happily ever after." Is this some fairytale or something...