First Day

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Hello lovely readers! Here's a longer chapter for you to enjoy. Please vote, and comment letting me know what you think of the story so far. Happy reading :)


The scenic view on the way to school was quite beautiful. The sun was barely popping out from behind the mountains giving the sky a golden hue. The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful making me feel like I was the only soul awake. Then again, that might just be because it was 6:30 in the freaking morning, and no high school kid should be awake at this hour just to get to school hours before they needed to. It wasn't right.

I enjoyed going to school and I firmly believed that a good attendance record is a symbol of how prepared and willing you are to take it seriously. In fact, I had a flawless attendance record back at Elings Academy. However, this was insane. Lian had literally dragged me out of bed at 5:45 demanding that I get ready. I would have knocked him out had I not been half asleep. I only realized what was going on when I hopped in the shower and was unpleasantly met with ice cold water. By then it was too late.

"You'll thank me when you actually manage to find your classes without getting lost. The school is a labyrinth, especially if you're one of those students who can't distinguish the janitor's closet with the math class.

"What?" I wasn't sure who he was referring to, but I was positive that I could tell the difference and I didn't need dark circles under my eyes to prove it.

"I'm serious, it happened to Sam." Lian exclaimed cheerfully, glancing between me and the empty road and completely ignoring my "I really hate you right now" look of annoyance. Apparently Lian had taken it upon himself to show me the lay of the land since I had not attended orientation.

It was only when we got to Hollins High School that I realized Lian was right. The school parking lot was made up of two sections, one for students and one for the administration staff. That alone made up a large section of the campus. The school classrooms were broken down into sections that resided both upstairs and downstairs of the two story building. Each section was designated to a certain subject. The science wing was a long corridor of classrooms with microscopes on each table for the biology class and it was on the first floor that led to the English wing, which merged into the history wing and so on. On the second floor were more extracurricular courses, and interestingly enough a designated detention room. Beside the building was yet another building that was the school auditorium and used for theater and band practice. The physical education classes, lockers, and training room were in a small connecting building separated only by a long outdoor hallway. The track, which I paid particular interest to was behind that building and a small walk away from the cafeteria.

By the time we were done trekking through the endless hallways it was 7:30 and I was starving. We had about forty five minutes before the bell for first period rang.

"So can we go back to the cafeteria and get something to eat before I collapse?" I asked Lian lazily making my way behind him. For someone who wasn't a morning person he definitely fared well. If I recall correctly, I was usually the one dragging him out of bed because we were going to be late to Junior High. Although he did warn me that waking up early today was a one time thing and not to expect it again. Thank goodness.

 "Yeah, I'm kind of feeling hungry myself. Let's go to the student store instead, they have better food there."

 After grabbing a vanilla yogurt, a granola bar, and an orange, Lian and I went outside to the school yard which was also surprisingly spacious. The yard was scattered with tables which by now students were occupying. Even better, the school was shrouded with nature, and elongated trees decorated the outside of the yard providing a shady space to sit under. I reluctantly followed Lian who was already walking deep into the swarm of students.

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