chapter 4

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"Hey Ferret" Josh entered maya's window, "how are things going?"
Maya smiled seeing him, "things are going good I guess"

"Hmm, what about I take you on a date at that new ice skate place?"

"How are you being doing without Riley?"

"Well good I guess, I mean I still miss her and so but I finally accepted her being gone" "how are you doing now Cory is gone?" "Well I miss him cause now I don't have him to give me advice and so but I'm getting there" Josh said as he put on his ice skates. Maya nods "yeah he used to teach me many things but now that he's gone I don't even like the new teacher he isn't like him at all" Maya said as she puts her ice skates.

"So how is college?" Maya asked as she skated past him.
He smiled college is difficult but it's good he said as he followed her.

"Otherwise from that new teacher how is school?' "Well I have good grades I study more I do my homework everything that I didn't do when Riley was still here"
"How come you changed?"

"I don't know I guess I just realized school is important"

"Hmm, let's eat something" Josh skated off the ice and walked towards the bar "can i have two burgers please?"

As they eat they talked about how their lives changed now the Matthews are gone, "I still can't believe how much we changed"

Me either, "so did you get in trouble on school or is that also changed?" Maya puts her burger down "nope I'm still a trouble maker but that's because I hate that teacher" Josh started to laugh and shook his head "oh boy that teacher must have a hard time with you" they both laughed

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