Ch.2 The Nexus

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        I couldn't take my eye of it, the eye that was there in the TV screen. Everywhere i moved, it looked like it was following me. I moved left and so it did, same going to the right. I'll tap the glass and maybe it'll twitch or something. It looked like it didn't faze at all. The static noise became similar to white noise. I wished it could stop. I covered my ears with my hands, hopefully to ease the pain. The only think I could think of was getting away from this noise. I ran towards the door, grabbed the doorknob with one hand and left the scene.

        Thankfully the noise stopped where I was in but that wasn't the strangest thing. Where I stood wasn't the same apartment hallway that I knew. I was in another room with doors. The floor was black with some sort of Mayan or Aztec artwork. It looked really detailed, down to the last dent. I slowly walked down to the center of the room, hopefully I don't trigger anything like the white noise.
Once I was the in the center of the room, it felt like the room got bigger. There was a different door designs. One looked like Neon Lights, other had a big red circle in the center. I carefully check each door, one by one. There was a total of twelve doors all around me.

        Knowing if went back to my room, I would hear that white noise again, also adding that eyeball just eerily and constantly looking at me. I proceeded to ho into the room that shined the brightest, The Neon Door. As I slowly entered the door, I felt a cold chill down my spine. "I don't know whats on the other side? Could there be something waiting for me?" These questions float around my mind. The door was now fully opened, no wind change, no temperature drop, nothing, just normal.

        Though something was odd, it looked like a different dimension. It open, but there isn't any walls. You would expect that when you open the door, the other side would be nothing, like normal. No, this looked like you were surrounded by city Neon light signs. Its vibrant colors changing from red, to orange, to yellow, and so on. Some were short as a foot, and some skyrocket to the sky. Well thinking there is a sky because all you see is a black void above, no moon or stars. With no sense of direction, I just walked straight. These buildings were illuminating the way.

        They were getting more concentrated and more clustered up. Thankfully I'm not claustrophobic so it didn't matter to me, but things got even weirder. There was this egg, flashing red in a rapid motion, like a strobe light. On top of it was this bird like creature. I say bird like because this didn't look like the birds i know of. This one was outlined, the lines drawn makes it look like a bird but that's it, inside is just black. The outline flickered like the buildings, neon lights.

        "A neon bird?" I tell that to myself. When those words left out of my mouth, the bird faced towards to me. I was in shock, it moves so surreal. Not knowing what to do, i take a step back, i didn't know what its gonna do and I didn't want to know. Suddenly "Chirp!" it chirped at me. Its chirp was similar to a robin. "It looks like its real and its sounds like its real, but is it really real?" I scratched my head as it confused me even more. I looked back at the bird and just continued staring at me. "It probably wont attack me, plus this egg is too big to be hers." With that in mind I get closer to the bird and the egg. As I examine the egg closer, as I said, the egg was significantly big for a size of that bird. In comparison, the egg was three times as big as the robin.

        The egg was flickering lights, it put me sort of in a trance. "I wanna touch it" I extended my hand as I proclaimed. I touched its smooth round texture and instantly, it vanished! "What?! Where did it go?" I looked around in search for it but nothing. The robin disappeared as well. Before I knew it, weird creatures started appearing everywhere. They had the exact outline as the bird but these looked more abstract more than anything.

        Frightened, I ran the opposite direction. "Are they after me?!" I said as i was panting and running away. BAM! I hit something hard. I fell down to the floor and laid there for a bit. I sat up and checked my nose to see if it was broken, thankfully it was. I stared to what was in front of me, it was the Neon Door. "What?..H-how?.." i was appalled, "How did i get back here? I'm positive that i went straight." I touched the door, and sure enough, it was the real thing. "There is only one way to know..." I mumbled as I grabbed the doorknob and turned it. As the door creaked, I entered through the door and surprisingly, i was back where i entered.

        "Yep...this is the one..." I went back inside the Neon town-like world, and tried to gather my thoughts. Sadly, I was interrupted by those abstract-like neon entities. Frozen in fear, all I could do is stare at them coming to me. Slowly by each step as their light gets brighter. I closed my eyes for the worst. "Is this the end for me?" that was the only thing i could think of. After a few moments, I opened my eyes to see what happen. One by one, they just passed by me. I looked around to where they were heading, but they just went straight. No sense of awareness that I'm in front of them, they just kept walking straight.

        I turned to the door getting ready to leave this place, I felt that someone is watching me. I turned back, and there it was, the eye from my room. My eyes opened in fear, "Was it following me all this time?.." I thought to myself. Suddenly the eyeball starts spas out for a while then fixated to my direction. A large grin appears and a huge gust was unleashed. I tried to keep my balance as the door slams open and pushes me back into the room full of doors. Falling to ground, i get up to see if it was coming as well. It disappeared and the door slammed back in.

        "What the hell was that? I think to myself as i get up. "That wants something from me..."

        "You're wrong there...hehe" A voice cracks the silent behind me,as I turned around. The eye, appearing right in front me, but now has a body. Its body looked just black, you can tell there is a body figure, just see through like smoke. "W-what do you want from me?!" i yelled out. "I told you, i want nothing." its child-like words came out as it extended its hand towards my forehead. I was frozen, even if i wanted to move, i couldn't. "Poke" he murmured as he poked my forehead. 

        Right when he touched my forehead, my body started to change slowly. Slowly and slowly I started to get a neon-like glow. "GGGGgggggaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! Whats going on with me?!!" I screamed out as i try to rub the color away. I look up and i see the eye just snickering, he said, "Welcome to the Nexus..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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