The End

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Authors Note:
Steve thinks Tony is still dead at this point.
--------YEARS LATER--------

Tony went and sat on the bench behind Steve. After a few minutes Tony said, "beautiful day isn't it?" Steve didn't answer right away because he thought the man behind him was talking to someone else. Steve then looked around to find no one in the area and said, "I suppose."

Tony smiled, "so Mr. What brings you're lonely self to this park on such a beautiful day? Isn't there someone special?" Steve looked down, "no, he passed 4 years back," Tonys smiled faded then Steve continued, "he was my whole world. I would have given anything, and everything to be with him. He died saving my life because we were threatened. I didn't believe him and he payed the ultimate price for my mistake."

"And let's just say, for example, if he was right here... if he was right here, what would you say to him? To the man you loved?" Tony turned his gaze a little more.

Steve smiled, "I'd hit him for lying to me, then kiss him and tell him I loved him. I'd ask him why? Tell him I'm sorry for not believing him," Steve took in a deep breath, "ask him to marry me. I may not have much," Steve stopped when the tears streamed down his face. Tony stood up then proceeded to leave. He was just out of ear shot when Steve said, or hollered out, "wait!!!" Tony stopped and listened as Steve ran over. Steve said, "what's your name?"

Tony smiled, "you know who I am Stevie," tony started to walk away when Steve grabbed his arm and stopped him, "Tony?" Tony turned his head to show the many scars and bruises, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just, after you didn't believe me, well I found it easy to lie to you. I'm just glad I got to see you again," tony turned around completely then said, "please don't hit me. I don't think I could take it. Steve stood there in shock, "I. I can't believe this. You're alive," Steve pulled tony in and hugged him then continued, "I'm so sorry." Tony wrapped his arms around Steve then said, "shut up and kiss me." the two kissed. Steve then picked up tony bridal style, "I love you Tony. Would you," Steve was cut off by Tony, "come on cap, I wanted to ask you. I had the perfect ring and everything."

Steve smiled, "really?"

Tony nodded his heads then continued, "so, captain steven grant rogers, what do you say? Make me the happiest man alive by saying yes to marrying me?" Steve smiled, "yes."

The two reached a limo at the end of the park, "Steve?" Steve set tony down then let him climb into the limo where he found Pepper. pepper smiled as she pulled out a file, "welcome home boss." tony smiled at pepper as Steve climbed into the limo and drove off.

---In Limo---
Pepper said, "So Tony, ready for the reigns back? Please say yes." Tony laughed, "yes. I'm ready. Just one last question..." Pepper nodded her head then tony continued, "the ring? do you still have it on you?" Pepper took off her necklace then handed it to Tony. Tony tapped the necklace in two spots then it started to crumble. What was left was a ring with an etched in picture of the arc reactor, "you've always had my heart," tony took Steve's hand and placed the ring on it, "I want this to symbolize how much I love you." Steve smiled then leaned in and kissed tony. pepper was clapping her hands, "congrats boss," they pulled in the back way of Avengers tower and drove down to the basement. Steve helped tony and pepper out then headed for the ground floor.

Steve got one of Tony's old suits from the receptionist then gave it to him so he could change his clothes. Once he was fully dressed Pepper explained that she had called for a press conference. She also explained that this would be the best time to show that Tony Stark was not dead. After a few minutes of convincing Tony finally agreed." Steve went and made his opening statement while pepper applied a little cover up then explained the plan again before leaving.

---Press Conference---
Tony walked out right on cue. Cameras started to flash when the reporters saw him. Tony made his way to the podium then waited for the crowd to quiet down.

The first reporter spoke, "Mr. Stark, can you tell us why you faked your own death?" Another reporter asked, "why all the secrets. What did you have to gain?"

Tony waited for the silence then said, "I was captured by the super villain known as Doom, and Baron Zemo. He threatened Captain Rogers and my life. I was given a choice, so I chose to keep the best the best thing in my life alive. As for things to gain, there was nothing to gain. I had everything to lose. There were no secrets other than keeping my existence a secret. I will be taking over Stark Industries once again."

A reporter from the back of the room spoke up and said, "what are you going to do now Mr. Stark?" Tony looked back at Steve and smiled, "take my fiancé home." The crowd went wild as Steve came and took Tonys hand. Tony continued, "Captain Rogers and I will be getting married in the summer next year. If you have any more questions please email them to the new Vice President of Stark Industries," tony let go of Steve's hand then started to clap as he turned to pepper. Steve did the same." pepper was wide eyed then smiled. tony looked out at the crowd, "now if you'll excuse me," tony took Steve's hand then left. Pepper stayed and finished the rest of the interview. Once done she left back inside to her office. Tony had been gone for years and knew full well not to interrupt them now. Especially after the two just got engaged.

---THE END---
Thanks for reading. I hope all my readers enjoyed this story.

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