// part 1 \\

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|| T A B I T H A ||

I step out of the van and see a lot of fences, a couple people looking at me and a big building. I have a bag in my hand, with a pillow, a sweatshirt and a white t-shirt.

"Just a warning, they'll be drooling over you the second you step in here." The lady that had introduced herself as Lorna says. She showed me around the prison before showing me to my cube. Caputo decided to give me a cube right away since I got transferred from maximum security.

"And this is your cube Tabitha." Lorna smiles and points at the first cube you see when walking into the block.

"Well hello gorgeous." An extremely pretty, tall, black haired woman smiled as I stepped into my new cube.

"Hi." I smile back and put my stuff on my bed.

"Bye Tabitha. If you don't have anyone to sit with at dinner you can come find me." Lorna smiles and walks away.

"I'm Alex, but you can call me anything you'd like." The black haired lady, Alex, smirked.

"And what am I supposed to call you then?" I ask cockily as I start making my bed.

"Whatever you're in to." Alex smiles and lays her hand on the small of my back as she bends down to help me.

"Well, I'm into men." I say and put the rest of my stuff on the locker behind my bed.

"We'll see about that, baby." She smirks. "Let's go to the cafeteria, shall we?" She asks and starts walking away. I follow right after and we walk over to the line.

"What's your middle name?" Alex asks out of nowhere. "Just tell me, you'll see." She smiles.

"Jaime." I say hesitantly. She looks at me like she's thinking about something for a couple seconds, before speaking up,

"Tj." She smiles. "I'm gonna call you Tj."

"You're making me sound like a dog." I joke, making her laugh.

"Hey newbie, where you from?" A lady behind the bar asks.

"Uhm Puerto Rico." I say, again hesitantly.

"Come to one of us if you need anything, alright?" She smiles. I'm guessing she's Puerto Rican as well.

"I will.." I say, hinting to her name.

"Gloria, you?" She asks.

"Tabitha or Tj." I say, looking at Alex, who was still standing next to me. She chuckles and walks over to a table. She sits down next to a blonde and I sit down next to a girl with messy brown/orange hair.

"This is Piper and this is Nicky." Alex says and points them out.

"Well hello." Nicky says, in a flirty way.

"Yeah, no sorry." I say, making all of the people at the table laugh.

"Oh come on, you haven't even given me a chance." She says, making me laugh. "What's your name?" She asks with a small smile on her lips.


"Tj, her name is Tj." Alex says, laughing as she sees my annoyed face.

"That's what she named me, but my real name is Tabitha Rodriguez." I smile and start eating the food on my tray.

"First time eating prison food?" Alex asks as she watches my facial expression change to quite surprised.

"No, it's just way better then at max- does anyone have a fork for me? I didn't get one." I ask and look around. Alex smiles at me and looks a bit surprised at the same time. "What?" I ask and look at her.

"Nothing- just you and max?" She says and laughs.

"Sorry Tabitha, but I don't believe that." Piper says and tilts her head as she studied my face.

"I swallowed 20 condoms full of cocaine and I dumped my rapists body in a lake." I say before walking over to Gloria.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I didn't get a fork." I say, making her chuckle and hand me a fork. "Thanks Gloria."

"No problem Tj." She chuckles as I walk back to the table.

"You killed someone?" Nicky asks.

"I didn't say that, I said I dumped his body in the lake." I say and start eating again. "This is really good. It's spicy." I say and look up as I see an older woman approaching our table.

"Who's this."

"This is Tj. She just got transferred from max." Alex says. I smile and look up at the red-head standing in front of our table.

"I'm red."

"I'm Tabitha-"

"Tj, it's Tj." Alex says with a smirk on her face. Red chuckles and shakes my hand.

"You two know each other?" Red asks.

"No, but we're bunkies." Alex says. "Plus she has a crush on me." She jokes and lays her hands on top of mine.

"Fuck off Alex." I laugh and slap her hands away. Nicky raises her eyebrow and looks at me. "I mean she's gorgeous but I'm pretty sure I'm straight." I say.

"That's what I thought when I first met Alex too." Piper says, "Just don't have sex with her and you'll be straight when you get out of here too." She says making everyone laugh. Alex winks at me making me smile slightly.

"Well I don't know if I can resist that." I joke and look over at Alex.

"Let's find out shall we?" Alex says with the same smile on her face as before.

"Is there a place where you can have sex in private here?" I ask and look around at the people that were sitting at the table.

"Of course, it's a women's prison." Nicky says, in a 'duh, are you stupid?' tone. "The chapel, the bathrooms or the library, and your bunk or my bunk." She says with a wink at the end. Everyone laughed again and I laughed along this time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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