Being Back Alive - Monday; A New Day 3/4

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PLOT: With the problems gone for the time being your rage descends off but not the whole mood. You weren't settling that down until you knew if Samara was ok?!

You turn to look at her but she was no longer in the front doorway, curious to her vanish you head to go back inside and closed the door behind your entry through, calling out for her to respond. She didn't. Searching the entire downstairs for Samara and didn't find her there, it made you dash upstairs and the instant you reached the landing you called again. You heard clanking around in the bathroom as the door was shut and bounded from the other side, cus' why wouldn't it be?? Not bothering to test the lock theory you knock patiently.
"Babes? You okay in there?" Your voice was in high worry with a bunch of mixed sympathys to it as you asked that. There was no sobbing or cries coming from her but the silences wasn't doing you any positive favours!

You had no idea what she was doing there but whatever it was, almost made you feel like busting the door in or down, though this is your house it was not gonna settle the situation that escalated not long ago.

SAMARA: When the cop car was driving off I went to the kitchen to get a big enough tub for my next stage of this plan... from what I heard is they wanted proof of what that man done and I'm gonna give that to 'em! And head up to the restroom/bathroom and shut the door, locked it. I sat myself down onto the seat of the bog until I realise flushing will have it disappear, so I stand to walk over to the shower base. I gathered some tissue and put my full focus to getting that disgusting man's stuff out of me. I optioned to urinate as - even I'm smart enough to know that whatever goes in and however it goes in too, it comes out the same way! So I pushed myself to pee out and as I did, after some moments a strange noise eruptioned from there, some unusual sound and I felt my fluids pouring down into the plastic box.

I finished then was some knocks on the door, I could hear F/N's voice on the outside. I made no movement that he would've heard from in here.

I turned to look at the result liquid within the tub on the ground, I seen my pee that was a tinted yellow and amongst it I noticed some whitening in it as well. "Maybe that's it?" I thought with positive mind strength.

Using the tissue I held I wiped it over my womanhood with a mean-business effort then eyed up the patch on the fabric. I had noticed some more of that substance with my urine, folding it to a clean side and went again. Clear! I stubbed a mutive breath of relief through my lips. F/N was still on the opposite side of the door. I placed the tissue in with all my pee and that revolting gush and closed the lid tightly shut so it's not lost, walking over to the mirror I glanced evilly into my reflection just knowing my ring girl personality side is eagerly waiting to replace this form that is me looking at myself.

She wanted to advice me that I should've just killed the man but if I had, it would open up a chance for her to arise as I'm Samara but ring girl is not! She goes by 'Sadako' and the other night, it was both of us who enjoyed that fuck-fest F/N gave us! Him showing a new thing is what gave me a choice for her and I to switch forms but because I chose the human side, sadako has to get my permission by anger and intimidating the threat but she is still within me! Wanting out towards the overweight man who was here. Her voice of torment ran through my ears and subconscious "You don't understand, do you Samara!? If I was still you when that dreadful piece of trash came, you wouldn't have gotten or choiced to be forced! He'd of feared us and died moments following from a face stare! But you just had to go with such a humanity path??!!"

Her words were powerful and in some way true but I can somehow find a way to protect myself when F/N isn't around to.

More knocks clampered against the door. I cleared my head fast 'n' opened it, to witness him leant against the wall awaiting my exitance and eyeball's me in no time at all, of course I eyeball him back with a more surprised but also thankful look. He does not smile or grieve but though I haven't socialised or ever had the chance to, I knew he had concerns of me to what I done in that bathroom...

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