Our Top (7-5)^2 + 6

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@claudia21742 and I would like to thank everyone that participated in our Prompt Request Fest.  It was tough narrowing down to only 10 from all the amazing prompts that we received.  In the end we chose prompts that we felt were not only the most creative, but would be suitable for a short story.  We also chose prompts that we felt we could do justice to and hopefully create an amazing reading experience.  Some of the prompts that we didn't choose are definitely worthy of a longer multi-chapter story.

Here is the list of prompts that we chose.  Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about our top 10 choices!  Winner will be announced August 1st!

These are in the order of when we received them.

1.   Xiao zhan is a mischievous little fox spirit.  One day as he playfully roamed too far out from his nest, he stumbled upon a black dragon, lying in a blood stained pond. @jinseinoame

2.  Xiao Zhan always believed that blood is thicker than water. He still wanted to believe the unbelievable quote. Who would have thought that the person who was his brother would be the reason of his broken love? Yibo, who had done everything in his power to show his love for Zhan was now far far away from his reach because he chose to believe his brother. His own blood.   @Wy0508XZ0510

3.  Ever since he had been forcefully turned into a vampire, Xiao Zhan was always thirsty for blood. He had been feeding upon countless humans and different species only to be disappointed. Their blood wasn't enough to suffice his hunger. Until Zhan stumbled upon a wounded, mysterious boy named Yibo. Once he got the taste of Yibo's blood Xiao Zhan became addicted. Eventually Zhan fell in deep love only to find out the other's secret. Yibo was a werewolf . What would happen to Zhan's love in a world where Vampires and Werewolves were at each other's throats?  @falling_in_abyss

4.  "I'm the last of my bloodline Yibo, I have obligations to fullfill... I'm sorry, but let's stop this while we still can."  @LDeLobel

5.  ....Nothing. Wang Yi Bo felt nothing, he heard and saw nothing. Where was this place? Why couldn't he move? The only thing that gave him awareness of still being human was that mild smell that assaulted his senses. The smell was getting more and more familiar. Wang Yibo had barely sighed in relief when it suddenly hit him... that familiar smell was one he was accustomed to, one that he had vowed not to have anything to do with since it took 'that' person away from him. That was the smell of blood...stale blood!  @AlteregoF

6.  Xiao Zhan was going home after his art classes. It is a bit late that day but it is still around 8.30 pm on her way to home he see a man cover with BLOOD stains and badly injured. Zhan stop his byecyle and ran to the men. He suddenly grab his phone and call the ambulance but after he could finesh the man grab zhan's hand give him a bracelet. In the middle of the bracelet there is a blue gem in which a letter had written. The letter is "Y". The BLOOD stain man say :- delivered it to the real oner of it . After saying that the man died in Zhan arms . But Zhan have no idea how he would found the owner of this bricelet.  @SKdreams73

7.  Being an army doctor, Xiao Zhan had seen many young and old and celebrated officers brought in on stretchers covered with "blood". But, the one he saw this time brought him anguish. The one whose life was barely hanging by a thread this time was Yibo.  @Chenqingling_05

8.  The Soul Keeper. Wei Ying was a Keeper of Souls. His job was to ferry the souls to their destination, whether it be reincarnation or one of the levels of Hell. Life was boring but at least he had a job. Until one day, a bloodied soul arrived in his domain that was neither destined to be reincarnated nor to be placed in any of the Eighteen Levels of Hell. Stumped, Wei Ying didn't know what to do with this lost soul called Lan Zhan but to take him into his home so he could figure out what to do.  @jaimev1275

9.  In his defense, Xiao Zhan was very hard not to love. From the day Yibo had first arrived at the institute, orphaned and afraid, the two of them had gotten along like two halves of a whole, eventually becoming sworn brothers as close as blood. Hunting demons was a dangerous business and hunting as bonded pairs greatly increased efficiency and survival rates. But finding another soul you had such high chemistry with to bind together mind and soul was a truly rare occurrence. That was why Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's astronomically high compatibility potential was such a miracle.There was just one...small...problem. Amongst bonded pairs, romantic relationships were completely and utterly taboo.  From AO3 reader Biscutpoo

10. The video clip was shocking. They never thought some one they grew up together with will end up betraying them. "What do you suggest we do?" Xian asked his head of security. "We can arrange security for Mr. Lan. There will be guards with him 24/7. He'll be accompanied to school and back every day. We can post guards at school too." Xian nodded in agreement. The woman hesitated a moment. "Sir, we'll have to continue with this arrangement until Wen Xu is alive. That man is relentless. Mr. Lan and you will never be able to have a normal life. Isn't it better to eliminate them permanently? My team is standing by. It'll be quick and clean. No blood or prints left behind.  All we need is your consent." @chinthu_midhun

Congratulations to everyone that made the top 10. So excited to choose one and to get writing!  

Leave us a comment!  We would love to know what you think!

❤️Shinigami & JJ

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