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She arose from her bed late at night to the whisper of her name. “Mum?” No response.
She switched on the lights to find she was alone in the room. After waiting two minutes, she switched off the lights, got back under the covers of her blanket, and shut her eyes.


The same whisper as before. The sound of her mother's voice as though lulling her to sleep. Again she switched on the lights, waited a while, then switched it back off. Once more, she heard her name and this time more distinctly. It definitely sounded like her mother was reaching out to her. Slowly, ever so slowly, the door creaked, opening slightly, revealing a shadow.

“Kiva,” the voice taunted.

Reaching for the blanket, her only source of comfort, heart racing, palms sweaty, voice croaky with panic, he called out, “Mum?”

Her door flung open, followed by the lights, “Sweetie, what are you still doing up?” her mother asked, walking over to her.

She clung to her mother hugging her tightly, “Can I stay with you for the night?” she asked.

“Why?” her mother inquired.

“Your room is bigger.”

Her mother chuckled. Tucking her back into bed she said, “You'll be fine. If the bed is the problem, we'll sort it out tomorrow. For now, you need to rest, you have school tomorrow and you can't be late. What do I always say?”

“Early to bed, early to rise.” Kiva chanted.

Her mother smiled, “Exactly, now shut your eyes my little butterfly.”

Kiva did as she was told. Hearing her mother's soothing voice calmed her nerves. She thanked her mum for checking on her, who planted a tender kiss on her forehead as she departed the room. Kiva had school the next day, shutting her eyes, she told herself she only needed to focus on that. Before her mother shut the door behind her, Kiva asked a question. “Mum, did you call me earlier before coming into the room?”

Her mother shook her head, “No, sweetie, did you hear me call you?”

Kiva’s nerves failed her again. “You're sure I can't stay with you?” she asked her mother who chuckled as she shut the door. Kiva watched her mother's shadow disappear from view from under the door before shutting her eyes.


Her eyes flung open. It was her mother's voice but she'd just learnt seconds ago that it wasn't her mother calling. She wondered what to do: to call out to her mother, or hide under the blanket, or...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tug on her socks. She tried to pull her legs closer to her chest but they felt stuck, her arms without warning had lost their strength. Again, the voice called out her name. “Who are you?” Kiva asked trembling. The voice said her name again, this time louder. “What do you want?” she asked even louder. Her mother didn't hear, she didn't come. Kiva’s lungs collapsed. The once sturdy bed started to part at its center sucking her in, burying her within itself. Her vision dimmed.

In the darkness she saw a figure forming, taking shape even as she was consumed by her own mattress. It took the shape of her mother. “Shut your eyes, my little butterfly,” the figure said, mimicking her mother. Kiva’s eyes widened to the realization that she was being pulled into a dark hole. She struggled but her struggle only sped up the process, like quicksand. Everything went dark.

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