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hyunsuk woke up in his bed because he smelled something good, he looked around and saw a food beside him. he actually expected this kind of stuff because its d-day where they shared their vows to each other.

he then roamed his eyes around the room expecting someone will be there but he found none. he just found a sticky note beside his breakfast.

"i went outside to do something, enjoy your breakfast ^^" - ji

hyunsuk just smiled at the cute little note and diverted his gaze on the meal that jihoon made.

ahhh, the typical breakfast. hyunsuk thought.

he started eating and went downstairs to do something.

jihoon's pov

i woke up extra early today because i suppose to meet junkyu to the place he recommended to me last time.

i drove for over one and a half hour just to see the sight of the sea ah what a beautiful sight.

when i arrived i immediately saw junkyu seating in a tent, is this his special gift to me?

"hey hoon" he said while raising his hand.

"what's this?" i said pointing the little tent in front of the sea.

"this is the special gift im giving you, because in a few days you'll be a free man again" he said jokingly while laughing at me.

"no need, but i appreciate it" i just diverted my gaze into the tent because I don't wanna ruin my mood.

i went inside and saw a little table with some small pillows beside it. this is actually perfect for the dinner later, before we go home.

"so what do you think?" junkyu asked from my back.

"it's actually good" i paused and think for a moment, maybe i should tease him back too.

i clapped my hands and said "finally you did something good in this friendship" i said while looking at junkyu that is now has his grumpy face.

"hey, i did when nahsbanaka--"

i just left junkyu there ranting all his good things that he did for me, i know he did many things but i just want to tease him from time to time.

i ran towards the ocean, while getting closer i can hear the splashes of the water and i can see a very blue ocean water, wow i really need to go to beaches sometimes. the smell of the ocean is just refreshing than in the city.

while looking at the sea i can hear a familiar voice. it was junkyu he's here again ranting.

"park jihoon you don't have any conscience"

"okay okay stop, you did many good things to me so stop talking" i said while putting my hands in front of him.

"huh, i hate you" he snickered while sulking beside me.

i just softly laughed at his face, junkyu can be sometimes be an older brother to me and mostly he's being a big baby, just like now.

i love you & goodbye || sukhoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now