Maestro of Mystery and Theatre of Wonders

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Selene heard the door close behind her. She tried to open it again, but it was impossible.

"-Well I'm stuck here, no choice but to move on..."

She quickly adjusted her hair with a light and elegant hand and began to cross the long corridor that was offered to her.

The architecture and decoration reminded her vaguely of the Roaring Twenties. There were a couple of flowerpots here and there.

She noticed some empty inserts.

"There must have been posters before..."

The sound of her footsteps echoed. She was alone in this magnificent and horribly silent entrance. The air was fresh and soothing, the light was subdued and warm. She noticed a mirror that was beginning to crack.

"This place is abandoned? That's weird... "

But where was this creature that she had been chasing until now?

She continued to advance until she arrived at a huge hall...also deserted. The floor was impeccably clean. It was shining so brightly that she could see her own reflection. A few tables and chairs were laid out here and there. She found the place beautiful, but anxiety was beginning to get to her.

She didn't want to be alone and even less in this place.

"Come on, Selene! At least try to find that little cotton ball!"

She set about looking for her carefully, without disturbing anything. After several minutes, she gave up. She was definitely alone here.

However, she did not notice the shadow that was slowly approaching her.

A deep voice came out of it:

"-A melody scented with orange blossom. That's interesting, my dear and rather awesome."

Selene was startled and felt icy shivers run down her spine. Not very reassured, she slowly turned around to face the person who had just spoken.

Her eyes widened to the extreme.

In front of her was a strange figure measuring 20 to 30 centimeters taller than her. Although it had an anthropomorphic shape, this curious figure was certainly not human.

One characteristic she noticed immediately: the "man" had a gaping smile, a sneer. She doubted that it was an unhealthy smile, but she had to admit that she was not confident. She also noted that he was wearing a sequined top hat, pushed down to the extreme so that his eyes were one with the headpiece.

The man was very elegant, all dressed in white and the sequins made him even more flamboyant. She noticed the fleur-de-lis on the stranger's red ruffle.

"-Is he part of some royalty...?" she wondered.

At first glance, he seemed very outgoing and overflowing with joy.

"I can see the panic and fear in your eyes, my child. But fear not, there is no better safe place than this shimmering theater full of divined.
-Did you just make a rhyme where I'm dreaming?"

The stranger merely laughed out loud at her. A laugh that came from the heart.

"-Ha ha! You seem to have more important questions from what I see.
-Well...I'm so confused that I'm losing my priorities indeed."

The ballerina looked away, too intimidated by her interlocutor. This last one began to turn like a tornado to finish only in some millimeters of the face of this fresh guest. He did not cease smiling with full teeth.

Selene moved back a little, uneasy for the non-existent distance between him and her.

"-But what a poor host I am! Allow me to introduce myself madam."

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now