The times they are changing

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Brittany POV (entire chapter) .
It took the entire group 2 hours in total to get past security, get a coffee at the cafe and go through the baggage area and yet we still hadn't even boarded the plane yet. As we were waiting in the seating area we heard our plane number and flight being called so we boarded the plane and made our way to our seats. I looked to my right and saw Trevor next to me- yay!! This is the best thing. You see I have always liked Trevor but I don't know if he feels the same way about me so I have never really told him my true feelings for him.

Trevor is one of those guys that are really chill and calmed down and never seem to get an sty about things. In a way I find that soothing to me but then sometimes I find it annoying and full of discomfort since here I am nearly in tears stressing over something that Trevor is just saying 'Don't even worry about' to. I mean its silly.

I finally decide that this my time to make my move- I need to tell trevor how I feel no matter what he feels about me.
"So are you excited for the tour?" I ask
"Yeah super pumped. How about you?"
"Yeah I can't wait to see Canada with the entire cast and crew- it will be awesome." I reply
There was good awkward silence for about 2 minutes before Trevor finally spoke up.........
"Listen, I have been wanting to tell you something for about a week now but because on the break before the tour I have never had a chance to." He says.
I just nod and smile.........
" Brit I have known you since I was 16 and all these years I have had a major crush on you. You don't know how much I like you. Just please go out with me and be my girlfriend because I just can't keep it in anymore. I have the best time when I'm around you and I feel so lonely when you're not around me. I don't care if you don't feel the same way about me but just............."
I just crashed my lips against his. I don't need to hear the rest. I knew it was going to be beautiful. I am so happy he just said that. It saved me from saying that and I am just so glad he feels the same way about me!!
After a while Trveor broke the kiss and looked up at me.
"Obviously I can take that as a yes?"he asks.
"Yes. I will be your girlfriend, yes I will go out with you, yes I do like you just as much but more and yes that kiss was amazing. Listen trevor I have always wanted to be with you too and for the same reasons I haven't revealed my feelings. I actually wanted to tell exactly when you said it but obviously you beat me to it." I say in reply
"Thankyou!" He says
Then we kiss again- this time his hand in my cheek as we lift up the hand rest on our side and start passionately making out on the aeroplane seat. We are interrupted by the air hostess who says over the loud speaker that we are landing soon and that everyone needs to get our seatbelt and chair on/up.

We stand up after we land, get our carry on and make our way out to the tour bus and the beautiful Newfoundland!!!

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