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Chapter 3 | stood up



I walked up the steps to dashawns house and knocked on the door, glancing down at the ground.

The door opened and Dashawn moved out of the way making room for me to walk in "and where were you yesterday" he asked

I smiled slightly shrugging " cleaning" I said but it came out more like a question

Dashawn laughed for a little to long " no, I'm being serious" he said smiling

I rolled my eyes walking to the livingroom sitting down on the couch across from my other friend kobe " i was in the park dumbass, and how was your evening" i asked smiling

Dashawn pulled down his shirt revealing fresh hickeys going up and down his neck " nice job kobe" i said

Dashawn laughed as kobe went slightly red" so cee, you was in the park alone or did you have..Company" kobe asked raising a brow

I smiled slightly looking at the ground ignoring the question making him laugh " kendra?" Dashawn asked

I shook my head " no, break remember" i said hoping he would stop trying

" Lana?"




"the block thot?"

"Nope, what was her name again?"

Dashawn rolled his eyes " who then?" He asked starting to get annoyed

"like i said i was alone, well it felt like i was, i kept forgetting he was even there" i replied smirking

Dashawn looked over to me smiling " so it's a he" he asked curiously but that smile soon went away when he realised " tell me your joking, tell me I'm wrong" he said

I looked at him with a guilty look on my face " he came up to me, i swear" i said

Dashawn rolled his eyes throwing a pillow at me " your such an ass" he said

I laughed slightly " shut up, i got places to be so imma head out" i said standing up

Dashawn crosssed his arms looking up at me " park again then?" He asked

I stood there for a second trying to find something to say but instead i just took off towards the door hearing kobe telling dashawn to just let me go. I got to the park faster then i ever had before, i took three short cuts so at first i wasnt supprised that he wasn't there when I got there. I sat there for thirty minutes, and then a hour and soon an hour turned to two.

I saw someone walking out of the corner of my eyes so i looked up seeing kobe and Dashawn walking towards me. I sighed shaking my head " where is he?" Kobe asked as dashawn sat on the swing next to me

I shrugged slightly starting to kick the rocks under me " late?, how am i supposed to know" i said

Dashawn shook his head " i really doubt it" he said frowning slightly

We sat there for a another half an hour only saying things every so often, kobe had walked over to the slide a few minutes ago and Dashawn was getting tired of waiting.

Dashawn stood up sighing " i think bro's standing you up" he said jokingly but there was a hint of sympathy in his voice

I shrugged " who knows, mabye he forgot" i said, i couldnt believe i was even waiting here for this nigga, i stand people up i don't get stood up. This is bullshit.

Dashawn frowned " you gon be ight bro?" He asked

I stood up from the swing not even glancing at him " its all good, i think imma go holla at lana though" i said not waiting for a reply before i started walking away, although i wasn't in the mood for anything but going home

I would be lying if it ain't kinda hurt but then again I wasn't tripping.


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