sticky sweet.

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okay so this story was requested by EightiesxPlaymate (im so sorry for how long this took omg.)

It was 5 months since the Dr.Feelgood tour had began, You had come along the tour with the title of being a roadie, aka a babysitter for the crüe.

Tommy was your childhood best friend and for your birthday he wanted to take you a long for the year long trip. It was kinda absurd considering he knew you hated to party and you especially hated planes.

The only reason you had ever agreed to this crazy Idea was the fact that you would have endless amounts of time with Nikki Sixx, the bass player of said band.

You had developed feelings for this tall jet black haired rockstar when Tommy scouted you to be one of the background singers for the recording of the Dr.Feelgood album.

The way you to had met was a little more then weird, Tommy had sent you to grab some more equipment from one of the private studios, So since it was a private studio and needed a key to be unlocked you expected no one to be in there... right? Wrong.

When you had entered the studio the first thing you saw was Nikkis pants on the ground guarded by a red lace dress, there he was banging his new wife Brandi Brant in the recording studio, Your face immediately flushed with cherry red hues. Your eyes watched the ground as you apologized for walking in on such a private moment between the couple.

"Jesus Nikki a little warning next time?" you said slamming the door in pure embarrassment.

Fast forward to the present tense, Nikki being a rockstar that was constantly being hit on by the hottest women of that era and his wife not being around was a deadly combo. He was banging chicks left and right, you couldn't help but feel bad for Brandi considering she had no idea, but you also felt exceedingly guilty that if you had the chance you'd bang him in a heartbeat.

You guys had flown to the next gig, Which just so happened to be your hometown, Nashville Tennessee. The whole tour crew began to set up for tonight's show, You always helping with sound check Tommy pulled you aside for a moment.

"Hey Y/N, listen so one of our background singers is out for the night, and i know you hate being in the public eye but this show is going to be horrible if we don't have all of our singers. Okay you know all of the words. Please Y/N" Tommy said as you pondered.

"Tom... I don't know." You said hesitantly

Tommy gave you his signature puppy dog eyes he used on you as kids. Spoiler: they work every damn time. "Please Y/N."

With a deep inhale you had to give in to Tom, he was your best friend and did a lot for you.

"Okay Tom I guess."

"Thank you so much."

Tommy smiled and gave you a thumbs up and walked back to his job of setting up his drum set.


The nurses outfit stared at you as sweat beads formed on your forehead, you were unbelievably afraid of being on stage. You knew you had to do it because Nikki would finally see the sacred parts of your body in a scandalous outfit. You slipped on the dress, stockings, and cap and headed out to the backstage curtains.

The show had already started and you didn't have to come out until the end of She Goes Down. You peaked your head around the corner just enough to see the alarmingly large crowd, body's bobbing to the beat of Tommy's drums.

You caught Nikkis eye for a moment, and that arrogant egotistical smirk washed over his face making you tremble in your place.  You looked down at your feet avoiding eye contact, try to somehow work up the confidence and courage to walk out on stage right next to where he plays.

♥︎ 𝑛𝑖𝑘𝑘𝑖 𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑥 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 ♥︎ (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now