ur mum was in bed wif meiz last noit

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Alo I am very smart and I have big brains and I am very cool at the world and I am so sexy with the big Phoebe alt and the Aphrodite of 73985 I like pee pee poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo look me that I was a disappointment so I am sweat right and so I tried to fix myself with M hot glue bread I'm true to English lying about everything and now I have severe and I have severe in hasting a block and #ADemon #Evil #IAmSoSadAndKnowIHaveAnExtremeDeepPathwayImExtremelyDeeperFunAndImSureImVerySadThatImItsAnAverageBeingMeanToMeAndSheHatesMeAndEvenDoYouHaveAnythingToSayIThink okay Did you know that your mom died last night because I shot her with my pee pee pee gun and I'm a #ILoveYouSoMuchAndIWantToKillYourEntireFamilyHasTextMeRegardlessTiredFamilyHasToExperienceAboutBeefLectureAndIAmJustSoGoodThatMyLifeAndThisDishIsAWholeVeryLong #AndImDidYouKnowThatImConcentratedAtTheMenuNotAtTheMistakeThatIsWhyEveryoneShouldBeNamedAdamOrEveOrElseIWouldveComeForYouAndShootYouAndImYaSupperAndYeahSoBadLikeChristinaIWasJustWannaShootYouWithMyPeePeePeePeePingPongDing-a-lingALingLungKitchenCatcherImRingingYourDoorbellImGettingAnElectionOnMeAndBitchingUpWithAHateThatsTheCompositionAndTheGeographyCastThatAConcreteThrewEditorsGoodDayToHearMommyYesterdayImJustBookingYouPicturesSoIfITakeAShot

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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