Chapter 13

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Ashi was sitting all alone in the auditorium. She was very sad.
She was blankly looking at the stage.
Just then Avneet came. She sat next to Ashi.
Avu: Look!! You fixed it!! You know it looks really cool. The red kinda resembles love and hate!
Ashi: I love and hate Siddharth! I kissed him.
Avneet looked at Ashi wide eyed.
Avu: I am the one playing Juliet and I haven't been kissed yet.
Ashi and Avneet looked at each other and laughed.
Ashi: I am sorry for blaming you for ruining the play.
Avneet: Apology accepted.
Ashi cleared her throat.
Avneet: Fine!! I am sorry too, or whatever.
Just then Rohan came in.
Rohan: Ashi! The costumes!!
Ashi: What now??
Rohan: The costumes! Someone switched then with this pineapple! This spacesuit!
Ashi looked at the spacesuit and remembered Sid.
Ashi: Siddharth! Who else would want to ruin the play??
Meanwhile Siddharth was trying to find out who the phantom was.
Sid: Think Siddharth Think! Who would want to ruin the school play?
Just then Mr Bhushan entered.
Mr B: New kid? I want a Riyaz Aly story.
Sid: I am sorry! I am busy trying to find out who the phantom is...and I think I know who it is....but...I am just not sure.
Mr B: OK!
Sid: Really? I thought you did not want me to write this story.
Mr B: This is an after school program new kid. You can litterally do whatever you want!!
The  Siddharth looked at Mr Bhushan and smiled.
Then he rushed out of the room.

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