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Laurel is following Annalise through the busy street while trying not to listen in on the woman's phone call when her own phone rings, she takes it out and looks at the caller ID, and of course, it's her father.

"What do you want?" She asks in a frustrated voice as she picks up the phone, her brother probably went crying to him after she and Annalise left his hotel room.

"You won, you're officially no longer a member of our family." Came Jorge Castillo's voice through the phone, he didn't sound angry but he must be for him to finally disown her as she wanted him to for ages.

"What did it take for you to finally decide this? Whatever it is, I should have done it sooner." Laurel asked with a smirk, finally, she could be done with her toxic family.

"You have always tried to ruin this family Laurel and I am done watching you destroy it. No one in this family will bother you again but don't think I'll let you ruin my grandson as you did to the rest of us." Jorge Said and this scared Laurel because she knew what her father was capable of, but Christopher was safe at home with Connor, Oliver, and Asher and they would protect him.

"He is my son and I decide how to raise him, you don't have a say in his life. I am a good mother, don't act like he will have a terrible life if he grows up with me." Laurel said defensively, who does her father think he is?

"I will make sure Christopher has a better life than you could give him. I know you think I am a terrible father so don't worry about me raising him, I am sure your brother will make sure he turns into an amazing boy." Jorge said this scared Laurel because he is so sure he will be in charge of her son's upbringing, Christopher is her son and no one will raise him but her.

"You and Xavier stay away from my son! Do you really think he knows how to care for a child?! If you think I won't be a good mother you can't seriously think Xavier would be a good father. Stay the hell away from my son!" Laurel yelled in anger, it scared her so much that her father has his sights set on her son. Jorge Castillo was a powerful man and if he wants something he usually gets it and Laurel knew he wouldn't stop without a fight.

"I am not talking about Xavier, you have another brother Laurel. You were barely 1 year old when he was born but I knew I had to get him away from you, 'cause even as a baby I could see the darkness in you so I had to give him away to make sure you didn't take his light from him." Jorge explained and this shocked Laurel, why did her mother not tell her she had another brother?

"I don't believe you, mom would never let you give away her child." Laurel states, not believing a word her father said. Jorge could never be trusted on his word and her mom would never lie to her about something this big, right?

"I never said he was your mother's son Laurel, I never told her I had another son." Jorge explains and Laurel could hear him smirk through the phone, the more she thinks about it the more she thinks he might be telling the truth.

"You'd really rather have a stranger raise Christopher than me, your own daughter?" Laurel asked in disbelief, who does he think he is? He can't be seriously thinking a stranger would be a better parent to her child than she is.

"You made it clear you don't want to be my daughter Laurel, and you were the one that left your child with him multiple times." Jorge said and Laurel was shocked, is he actually saying that she knows his other son? Is one of her friends lying to her?

"The boy doesn't know he is my son so don't you dare get angry at him. This is the last time anyone in this family will contact you, don't worry I will make sure Christopher gets a great life. Goodbye Laurel." Jorge says and hangs up the phone, Laurel is terrified. She starts hyperventilating and looks at Annalise who looks at her with worry in her eyes.

"Laurel, tell me what happened." Annalise commands as she pulls Laurel to a quieter place to help her calm down.

"It was my Father, I think he's gonna do something to Christopher." Laurel manages to gasp out in fear, Annalise quickly pulls out her phone to call Frank.


Oliver and Asher were sitting on the couch while watching a movie, Connor is there too but he went upstairs a couple of minutes ago to check on Christopher. They look at the front door when a worried Frank bursts through the door.

"Where's Christopher?" Frank asks as he scans the room for the little boy, hoping to see him there safe.

"He's in the nursery with Connor. Why?" Oliver asks as he and Asher stand up when they both notice how worried Frank looks, something must be terribly wrong for Frank to look like that. Frank doesn't respond to his question and hurrys to the stairs.

"What's wrong, Frank?" Oliver asks with panic in his voice as he and Asher follow Frank to the nursery, only now does Oliver notice the phone in Frank's hand. They run into the nursery and it's empty, no Christopher and no Connor.

"Is he okay?" They hear Annalise ask through Frank's phone and the fear settles in Oliver's stomach, it was clear they knew something was going to happen to Christopher but there is also no sign of Connor anywhere.

"He's gone, Annalise." Frank gasps, they failed to protect a helpless baby.

"He's gone, Annalise. Connor is too." Frank says with shock clear in his voice, how could they have been so stupid?

"What is this?" Asher asks as he picks up a rag from the floor, trying to ignore Oliver who is clearly scared and in shock. Frank takes the rag out of his hands and sniffs it.

"It's chloroform, they took 'em, Annalise. .................. They took 'em..."

A/N: I hope you guys like the start of this story! This is just the prologue, the actual chapters will be longer than this. Chapter 1 will be up as soon as possible

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