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"I really-"

Words were stuck in his throat no matter how hard he tried.

Taehyung was in a trance, he himself didn't knew what he was about to do but something in his mind kept requesting him to stop while on the other hand, Kuhu's situation wasn't different either.

She didn't knew what got into him, what got into her summing up what got into them. Why were they in this moment, actually how did they reached here?

Her thoughts weren't being that easy on her resulting in her breakdown. She finally let the tears flow down her shimmery eyes as she blinked and let her eyes be shut.

As soon as the tear made its contact with Taehyung's thumb he retracted his head as he opened his eyes still having a grip on her face.

Saying that Taehyung was horrified to the core will be an understatement. Her eyes were shut while cheeks soaked with tears and he could literally feel her shivering under his touch.

She sniffed making Taehyung freeze at his spot, has he gone mad? what was he doing?, were the only questions that surrounded his mind.

"Kuhu", the word left his mouth quieter than a whisper.

Kuhu wanted to forget this moment as if it was a bad dream, she just wanted to forget this tension as the anxiety was eating her out.

That was the major problem with her. Once the anxiety hits her, it makes her blank and panicky.

Letting go the fear she opened her eyes to meet his brown glittering orbs. Concern was dripping out of them but still she was scared. Why? she didn't knew.

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but as if the universe was against him, he got disturbed by a loud thud coming from the living room.

Kuhu flinched at the sound while she quickly grabbed Taehyung's hand and slid them off of her face. She quickly wiped off her tears while Taehyung was too hurt to even make a move.

"OUCH!!", listening to her friend whimper in pain she quickly got up leaving Taehyung in the balcony as he was surely mimicking a statue right now, completely frozen.

She stepped in the living which was a little dark but she was able to figure out the boy lying on the floor holding his foot as he hissed in pain.

"Jimin!! Are you okay??", she asked but her voice cracked, maybe she wasn't over her emotions yet.

"Kuhu?", he turned to the voice.

"I didn't knew you came back", he said the moment she crouched down holding him in concern.

She cleared her throat before asking, "What happened?", she ignored his words and made him sit on the couch beside the coffee table which was probably the reason behind his fall.

"Nothing I just hit my already injured foot against this stupid table", he glared at the table making an intimidated face as if trying to scare it away.

Kuhu clicked her tongue saying, "You should have been careful Jimin-ah!!"

"I'm sorry it was too dark plus I hardly had my eyes open as I was soo sleepy"

"Nothing new", she said making his sleepy friend to chuckle at her not so funny comment.

"I know", he replied shamelessly earning a glare from her.

"Oh so you both were in the balcony", he said but before she could reply she noticed him looking somewhere else as his face was clearly visible under the light coming out from the window.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now