gabenath (the fight)

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Currently: nathalies pov
Nathalie was in the bathroom of her and Gabriel's room (they have been dating for about 2 years now) crying because they had just had this huge fight over she doesnt even remember anymore and she keep thinking that it was all her fault that she had just let him leave and that she had just ruined the best relationship she has ever had all because of a stupid dumb fight

Currently: Gabriel's pov
Why did I just leave like that she probably hates me now god I love her so much I shouldnt have left I need her I feel lost without her I need to apologize and make it up to her because I can't stand ever being away from her more than I need to which is when a thought came to his head yes that's perfect I just hope she doesnt hate me right now

Nathalies pov
God its been over a hour and I have just been crying in the bathroom I should have called and said sorry but no I just had cry he probably thinks I hate him now or I wish we never dated god that's the opposite of the truth I love him more than anything and now I might have lost him because I was too stubborn to stop him from leaving and instead decided to cry to myself that thought just makes her even sadder because he is the love of her life and she doesnt want to lose him

Gabriel pov:
Ok now that I have everything I need to apologize and hopefully succeed in apologizing and not getting rejected which he probably deserves its time for him to set up his surprise for nathalie I just hope she isnt a sleep right now and that the door isnt locked yes it's not perfect he doesnt see her then he thinks she is probably in the bathroom getting ready to sleep so he sets up his things and waits for her to come out with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a fast beating heart from her answer and nervousness from getting rejected by her then he hears the bathroom door open and hears a gasp

Nathalie pov:
Gabriel what is this he says its just me saying sorry for leaving earlier and for that fight I shouldnt have just stormed out like that I know you probably hate me now so sorry but here gives me a bouquet of my favorite flowers and then I see him pull something out of his pocket and get on one knee I gasp when I see a beautiful diamond ring that has 2 sapphires on each side and is on a rose gold ring

Gabriel pov:
Nathalie after that fight we just had I know theirs a chance you will say no but I love you and even before this fight I knew that I couldn't stand being without you ever i love you so much that their probably isnt even a word to describe how much I feel for you and how happy I am when I'm with you even if its just being in the same room with you idc it just makes me happy so when we had that fight it broke my heart because thought I might have lost you and ruined the best thing in the world so if you accept my apology will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me you can say no and I will accept that because I probably deserve it but im kinda hoping you will say yes my love

Nathalies pov:
So he isnt mad at me and doesnt hate me thank god because I think I might have died from loosing him he means the world to me more than that actually so when I hear him ask men to marry him I start crying nathalie did I say something wrong or do you just not want to marry me I'm sorry for even asking you probably still hate me I'm sorry

Gabriel's pov:
I am about to get up and leave when she says wait you didnt let me answer in sorry I just thought you hated me of course I'll marry you I love you so much don't leave me she says crying because she almost lost him oh nathalie he says I would never leace you no matter how mant fights we have I would never even think about leaving come here he pulls her into his arms and holda her close she cries into his chest and he just hold her and kisses her head shhhhh please dont cry my love it breaks my heart to see you cry nath I'm sorry she says I didnt mean to its ok now he hugs her and she hugs him back because she loves him so much and she would be dumb if she ever let him go

Nathalies pov:
Gabriel yes my dear do you still want me to marry you because my answer is and always will be yes oh nath I love you he says while putting that ring on her finger I love you too gabriel so much she says and leans in and kisses him he kisses her back and they both try to put all their love for eachother into that kiss if it was possible they pull away for air and smile and he leans his against mine and I do the same

The end
I know it was kinda short but I didnt know what to write then I listened to rewrite the stars on my phone and got reminded of them so yeah I hope you liked it

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