Chapter 12

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Kamis POV
It was another morning before we went off to school. I try to pay attention but it doesn't work and on top of that well the words don't always make sense. I heard hito and Han talking about something called dyslexia, I don't know what that is but maybe it's why I can't read and fail or barely pass. I sighed and made my way into the class where kiri was waiting with a warming and welcoming smile like always. I knew something was up because Mina was sitting with him as well with the rest of the squad. I walk over to them "uh why does it feel like one of you is going to say that you have cancer?" I ask half joking. "Well here's the thing, I may or may not have uh gotten hit by a quirk with tooru on our walk and we have a baby now" Mina said rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. All of our jaws dropped at the same time "WHAT" I yelled "you have a baby!" I exclaimed "yea I hope you guys don't mind, I also wanted to ask you and kiri to be god parents just in case you know" she said still looking a little embarrassed "OF COURSE I WILL" kiri said quickly while fangirling "duh you know I will" I said giving her a hug. "You and her have a baby because of a quirk. AND AIZAWA IS FINE WITH IT?" Bakugo yelled "yes and stop yelling sheesh" Mina said "what she said it's to early for your yelling" hito said 

Then mr Aizawa walked into the classroom with a pink baby. I hugged Mina and she just nodded. He walked towards us and gave Mina her baby. We aaallll started fangirling. "Her name is Ami" she said quietly. "Can I uh can I hold her?" I heard bakugo ask calmly which tripped us all out. After we snapped out of it mina handed ami to bakugou. To everybody's surprise he was really good with her. Well then again it's his 'motherly instincts' but still. Then bakugo handed her to me. I didn't know what to do so I just went stiff. I heard Han laugh a little before sitting on Hitoshi. I gave the baby to hanta who was fine with it. I knew he had younger cousins and siblings so he's fine. Todoroki and hito just watched the baby. After everybody had gotten a chance to hold the baby Mina took her again. Ami was cute but it was just a little unexpected to say the least. I know Mina and hagakure will be great moms. Then class started.

It was a long lecture today sadly for me I tried to lay attention but I zoned out halfway through the lecture. I could feel somebody watching me but I don't know who it was and I didn't exactly care. I've made it look like I'm paying attention so I know that it's not Aizawa. I ignored it and tried to focus again it didn't work my mind went to other thing and I started doodling sorta. The bell rang indicating the next class. Once again the teacher came into the class started the lecture and I zoned out. I felt somebody watching me again, once more I brushed it off. The same thing happened until lunch. I was finally able to get up and eat something. Unfortunately on my way to the lunch room I was stopped.
"Why aren't you paying attention in class?" I heard bakugo ask which was a little weird. "So it was you watching me" I said "not the point" he said rolling his eyes. "I zone out and can't pay attention no big deal" I said walking again "It is a big deal but you aren't going to acknowledge that are you" he said now walking with me. "Nope I doubt it" I said walking into the lunch room making my way to get food.

"What took you so long?" Han asked "Nothing just walked a little slow" I said sitting down with my food. "Ok question here, Mina why where you out past curfew and how aren't you dead?" Hitoshi asked "oh well we asked me Aizawa permission to go see my parents once they got back from work and since they get back late we had to go past curfew. The only reason I'm not dead is because I asked first and we haven't seen our parents in a while" she replied in between bites. "Now that makes a lot more sense" he mumbled before bringing his attention back to his food. It was a pretty quiet lunch to say the least everybody was in their own thoughts. It was weird when it was quiet but sometimes it was better for us to sit in silence than talk and have a fight.

The bell finally rang and it was time to go back to class. Once again we walked in silence we got to class found out respectable seats and sat down waiting for class to being.

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