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Parallel World: Light World

"Little angel, please watch over Xiao Wei for me. I'm going to meditate for a while." Zhao Yunlan requests.

"Sure but why are you meditating a lot lately, master?" Little angel inquires.

It's not that he is not aware of his master meditating before, but the amount of time his master spend and the frequency of meditating has increased exponentially. At the beginning he thought that the reason behind the increased number of meditating was due to his master feeling restless with his mate's current condition. After all, his master Yunlan tents to meditate to calm his emotions down before. However, little Angel is starting to become suspicious.


"Please tell me the truth, master. I notice before that your third eye has open not long ago too." Little angel presses on seeing that Zhao Yunlan is trying to avoid answering.

"Don't worry little angel. I realized that this world fair well with my energy. I'm assuming it's because my power has strong correlation with Yan energy unlike my Wei which is more related with Yin energy. And meditating helps me tone into my inner core more and I discovered a lot of new powers I posses. I thought I might as well grow myself while taking care of my Wei. Just watching him like this makes me restless and it's not helping anyone." Zhao Yunlan explains making little angel feel relieve but he has a hunch that there is more to it.

"And?" Little Angel is not planning on letting his master hide anything from him.

"And what?" Zhao Yunlan asks, surprise with sudden firm inquiry.

"I know there is more, master Yunlan. Don't try to hide it from me. Don't think that I haven't noticed how you would block me from your mind from time to time, and most of the time is during your meditation. Don't tell me it's due to your meditating because you don't block me all the time." Little Angel expounds.

"Oh..." Zhao Yunlan sheepishly replies.

"Yes, 'oh'. Now, out with it. What or who are you trying to connect with?" Little Angel imitates Zhao Yunlan and then demands.

"No one in particular..." Zhao Yunlan said while scratching behind his neck, a nervous tic of his, making little angel glares at his master.

"Fine! I was trying to connect with others... well, I am trying anyway. Doesn't seem like it's working though." Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"Huh? Why did you have to hide this from me?" Little angel questions, feeling puzzled.

"It is something I'm trying to experiment with. I don't know if it will work or not and didn't want to give you false hope if it didn't work out." Zhao Yunlan explains making little angel more confused than before.

"Master, I don't like riddles. Please explain to me how you are trying to connect with others, will it make me hopeful? Sure, I like them and all, but my important people are here." Little angel points out making Zhao Yunlan sighs more dramatically.

"As I said, I'm experimenting with it. Trying to reach others is just the first step of my experiment. My end goal would have been trying to get inside my Xiao Wei's and little devil's dream state. I thought if I could communicate from long distance, it would work with dream state as well."

"I see... that's makes sense." Little angel admits.

"Yeah... but I haven't succeed once." Zhao Yunlan confesses.

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