It's the next day and it's Deborah's first day of school. She woke up with a smile on her face.
"Time for me to get ready for school." She said. But when she looked on what's on the dresser, her eyes widen. "MOM DAD! WHO PUT MY CLOTHES THERE! AND THAT IS NOT MY CLOTHES!" She yelled as her father went up and checked.
"You're right but that's your school uniform. I know you hate skirts so I asked your teacher is they can give me pants." "Thanks dad I REALLY, REALLY HATE SKIRTS!" She said thanking him as her father chuckled lightly.
"Now get your breakfast and get ready for school. By the way, your mother has something special for you." Her father said as she already got out of bed.
"Yeah yeah I know dad." With that she head downstairs.
~17 minutes later....
"Mom I'm here!" Deborah called as her mother smiled. "Good morning sweet heart. The school you're going to is called Aselia High School. I bet you're going to meet MANY new friends." "Yeah I HOPE....." Deborah said with disgust in her voice.
"Awww cheer up, and I bet you're going to meet the LOVE of YOUR LIFE!" "M-MOM CUT THAT OUT WILL YA!?" "Hahahahaha! I'm afraid I've MIGHT hold you back long enough, now take this and DO NOT OPEN IT UNTIL LUNCHTIME okay?"
"Yes mother...." "Now have a great day at your new school." "Bye mom bye dad!" She said as she walked her way to school.
~At Aselia High School 7:29 A.M.~
As soon she walked to the school her eyes widen once again. Students are wearing uniforms. Of course EVERY OTHER SCHOOLS have these uniform dress codes. But each and every other school has different uniforms.
Aselia High School is one of those who has a different uniform dress codes. (A/Note's:Let's pretend it's like Vampire Knight, Durarara!, or anything of those anime shows who has uniforms.)
Deborah's POV
My eyes widen to see why everyone wears uniforms. This is insane.... I thought to myself. Maybe I'll skip school for the next couple of weeks. But if I do that... My parents will call the cops on me... Darn it.... Oh well... Life if life after all... *Sighs*
Soon then I saw a 19 year-old girl getting bullied by some mean students.
"Hey you, gimme your lunch money right now or else!" "NO!" "Oh yeah? Oh boys~!" The leader called his buddies as they ganged up on her.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled as I walked up to the scene. One of the of the mean guys were looking at me like I'm some heroine. Well guess again.
"Who are you?" One of them asked me. "Oh I see now~! You're that new student along with this twerp hahahahaha!" Okay that really angered me!
"Say THAT again if you please." I said calmy, trying to not let get my anger in the way like the other time at my school. "You mean this twerp?" "Yeah that." And with that, one of them was trying to attack me by stabbing me but I dodged it. "Hey what did the school rules says to NOT pull out your weapon?"
"Who cares about that! Screw the school rules WE'RE THE ONES WHO RULE THIS SCHOOL TWERP!" The girl looked at me with such questions in her mind.
"Enough is enough!" A female voice cried out as we all looked at each other. "Now what did I tell you boys to NOT to pick around the other students?" "Professor Raine!" One of the boys gasps as the teacher known as Raine has a chalk in her hand.
"Uh-oh here it comes..." I hear one of the boys whispering to his best buddy as Raine threw the chalk at one of the boys. My eyes widen again.
"Now are you okay Azure?" Raine asked the girl known as Azure as she nodded. "Yes thank you Raine for helping me. And thank you umm... Can I have your name please?" She looked at me and asked.