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-Uh oh-

You headed out and away from the med bay. Leaving everyone there as you trotted down the hall. Looking at the large doors

One door slid open quickly. Optimus walked out.

You stopped. "O-Optimus" you called out for him

He stopped. Looking down. "Hello (y/n)" he said and kneeled down in front of you. "Is there something I can help you with?"

You held the cuffs of your shirt. Fiddling with your fingers under his gaze

"I just wanna say...I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier"

He gently scooped you up into his hands and lifted you up a bit

"You acted out of anger. And that is alright given the circumstances you were in. Bringing the very Decepticon that hurt you into base without a warning was my fault" he said

"No, no no it's not your fault! It...it was a last minute decision and those are okay. I just....whats done is done. And I'm sorry for how I acted. Towards all of you"

He smiled softly "youre very kind (y/n)" he used his digit to gently rub the top of your head


"Even after everything. Even though we have only known you for a couple days. You have a kind heart"

You looked up at him. Lips quivering as he began to stand up and walked

"Now. I believe we should take you ba-"


He paused mid step. Looking down.


You grabbed your arm. "I-I just, well. I don't quite want to go out there yet" you said truthfully

Half truthfully that is. Course the very decepticon that tramatized you is out there socializing. But the other half wanted to stay for some reason. With him. And him only

"That is reasonable" he hummed. His spark glowed a brighter color when he hummed.

"Would you like to go rest then?" He asked

"Uh...where?" You asked as you stared at him

"You may rest with me if you'd like. Agent f-"


"He is on our side. He means no harm, and he has yet to know you are with us"

You nodded slowly. "Alrig-"


He sighed.

"Who...is that him??" You looked at him.

He nodded. Pinching his nose. "Yes. That would be agent Fowler. I do not want him to meet you yet. I already assume he as seen Knockout in med bay. You may come with. I can hide you if you would like" he offered

You looked out of the hallway. Then back at him. Nodding. "If....thats okay?"

Gears shifted. His chest moved and opened up fully. His spark exposed

"W-wait. There?"

He nodded. "It is the only place where you can be hidden"

You nodded again. His hand shifted and held you at his chest. You carefully crawled into his chassis. Avoiding the sharper areas and got settled near the humming spark.

He shifted his gears again. Slowly closing his chest. He has never held a human in his chassis. He knew it could be safe. But he never tried it. Not wanting to hurt you. He went slow and let it shut. Sighing again before walking out

"Prime! You better explain yourself right now. This very moment and tell me why there's a decepticon laying on your med bay! And don't give me any wimpy excuse!"

"Agent Fowler. I assure you that knockout means to harm anymore. He followed me after I picked up the kids. He needed medical attention. I assume Megatron sliced his hand off for not obeying orders. So we gave him shelter and medical attention here"

His chest vibrated with every word. It was somewhat comforting. The spark beside you was beating like a normal human heart

He sighed. Groaning in annoyance. "Now I have to tell the government about this" he grumbled

It was getting uncomfortable. You shifted to the other side of his chest. Making him wince. Your arm hit his side. Making a clank. He grabbed his chest. Hoping fowler didn't notice

"Prime...what was that?"


Created: July 29th
Edited: August 1st

684 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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