Life after death

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Chapter 13 MARK P.O.V.

Tears streamed down my face my eyes stinging from the smoke in the air and tired from all the tears I cried in this last hour. Closing my eyes shut I didn't understand why god would let this happen to us, but he works in mysterious ways. I sat there waiting as my wolves went to break the news and get someone to come take her home. I hadn't made a plan B because I never thought I'd lose her. I felt something cold touch my face. It was a gentle and brief touch. I opened my eyes and damn near screamed in shock , laughed with happiness , and cried with pain altogether. Her hazel eyes glistening with tears. Her soft frail hand wiping the tears from my eyes. I laughed with tears of joy.

" I thought I lost you baby." I said softly. Blaze weakly shook her head.

" You must not know that I love you too much to ever stop fighting for you. I never lost my faith in you."

She tried smiling but it must've been too much of a strain. Tears falling from her eyes.

" You were cold and you weren't breathing. I felt like you were gone.I-." She interrupted.

" My body was too weak , if I was any old human I would've died. Being that I have a strong wolf she put my weak body to a rest and held on for me. I couldn't handle it without her . I'm a luna , I'm a daughter , I'm a friend , I'm a sister, most of all I'm yours. I can't let you guys down ever . I'm just so , so tired." Her soft voice said . I kissed her hand and told her to rest. Thank you heavenly father for letting me have her.



I awaken in a soft bed. My eyes burning from the bright lights an I.V. in my arm. I looked around noticing I was in the pack house. My eyes drifted to the scars all on my legs. The painful memories craved themselves into my mind. The struggling to fight him off of me. The constant abuse and torture. Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled those painful memories I wished would go away. Slowly the door opened and a small blurry person came in. Through the haze of my tears I saw the small figure come and climb into my bed. Laying it's head onto my shoulder. When the tears fell I noticed who the small girl who was curled into my side was. It was Katherine. Looking up to meet my tearful eyes she sadly smiled.

" Are you going to die Luna like my daddy.? , I don't want you to die. I just want him back and if you die too I won't have anymore people to love except mommy, because I'm supposed to love my mommy. You been in here so long and you didn't wake up to see my birthday daddy promised me too come and he didn't he went to see god. He lied to me luna." She said tears falling down her face. I wiped the tears from her sad eyes.

" No baby I'm staying here with you. I will always be here for you to love ok.?" I asked hugging her into my side. She nodded and I took her hand. Stepping off the bed and walking on the cold floor seemed to be deja' Vu'. Grabbing my IV needle and yanking it out of my arm stifling a scream.

We walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. I heard noise and chattering and laughter. Sounds that I so deeply longed to hear for so long. When I walked into the kitchen my presence was quickly noticed. Everyone watched me wide-eyed. The room fell silent. Joy , astonishment , and warmth was in the atmosphere.

" Blaze oh Blaze my baby girl." My mom said bursting into tears. She came and wrapped me into her arms. Tears fell from my eyes too , after all I been through my parents were the only people to make me feel secure and safe. She backed up for a bit.

" Oh , let me stop making such a fuss." She looked at me and said wiping the tears from her face.

My dad came up next and craddled me into his chest. As soon as my dad wrapped his strong loving arms around me I finally cracked.

" Oh , daddy I was so scared . I was so scared.." I shook uncontrollably. My soft crying turned into painful sobbing. His embrace made it all better. His calm soothing voice told me that it was ok and that's all I needed to here. That traumatic experience has brought me to a point of no return. I will never be the same. After that Blake came and hugged me kissing my forehead and telling me that he was here. Sam and Ashley came forward teary-eyed and sad. Both wrapping me up. The bond of family is unbreakable. I believe family is the key to healing the pain of the outside world. After everyone started piling up to hug me and I just felt love all over. Where was my mate.?

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