Where everything started|

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Y/n's pov:

I tried on my new stage clothes that i bought when i went with Mikasa at the mall, you see Mikasa and i are best friends and we wanted to find a job that is good with easy money.

So, we decided on a random Tuesday to try stripping. We called the place and made an appointment for an interview. We both got the job and had the same shifts, so we were always together.

We also share an apartment together and split the bills, each of us had her own car but we mostly ride together to work or to the mall.

After i finished putting my new clothes i redid my makeup so it won't be musty, i also curled my hair and wore my shoes.

"Hey, we're going to the stage in 3'. " Mikasa came in the room while looking gorgeous as always. She had a black leather set on with her silver stiletto heels wrapped around her legs. Her hair were down and her makeup was simple but still flawless, her lips were painted with red lipstick.

"Okays, just give me a minute." i said as I took one last look at my reflection, I grabbed my deodorant and sprayed some on my armpits before walking out of the room.

"Any new faces?" i asked Mikasa as I went to her side while fixing my clothes.

"You know, the regulars but Samantha told me that a group of guys just came in and sat in the front row." Mikasa smiled at me and pulled the curtain a bit so we can both take a look.

And there it was, in the front row a group of guys were sitting, drinking and chatting about something. They were all dressed in black suits and black shiny shoes.

The one that caught my attention was a man that had his hair tied up in a bun. He had green eyes and was sitting in the middle. In his hand was a glass of whiskey with ice in it.

"The one with the man bun looks cute." I said and Mikasa hummed.

"The one with the mullet does not look bad either." She said and I turned my attention to the one she was talking about.

He was tall with a mullet and a goatee. He was wearing a suit with his grey tie on and was talking to a much shorter man that had an undercut and a weird scowl on his face.

"I'll take the shorty one too." I randomly said and Mikasa slapped my arm.

"Girl he is a whole foot shorter than you." She said and I shrugged my shoulders.

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