Chapter 7

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"Hi, Wonwoo" Mingyu smirked. "You really look uncomfortable with these things on. Shouldn't you take them off?"

Wonwoo's attempt to escape was failed obviously when he was trapped between Mingyu's arms.

"C'mon just take off your hat and the mask." Wonwoo, knowing he can't get away, gave in and take his mask and hat off, showing his hair covers his forehead in sweats.

"Now, tell me, why you are trying to open my locker." Mingyu asked trying to catch the other's eyes which are looking down to the ground.


"Are you sure? You are pretty bad at this you know, lying and all." Last a few days ago, Mingyu was absolutely losing, but oh... look who's winning this time. "I know you want to escape but if you tell me what you are looking for, I might let you go."

"...notes. It's Jeonghan hyung's notes." If Mingyu is not wrong, he heard Wonwoo cursed under his breath. But he cared less about it as long as he could win again.

"Ah! That one! So, you want it?" he continued wearing a grin and asked as he earned a nod from the shorter. Cute. Cute because Wonwoo is losing and Mingyu is winning! Right, why would he be cute in Mingyu's eye all of the sudden?

The shorter is looking everywhere except Mingyu's and he doesn't like it. Frowning does not suit Wonwoo.

"Stop frowning. It does not suit you." He said off-guarded, suddenly meet the small sharp eyes of Wonwoo looking up at him with surprise. That's probably because of what he said. Mingyu, himself, was surprised too. He should not think out loud. Nope. He shouldn't.

" makes you uglier." he quickly said filling up the awkward silence between them. Mingyu didn't fail to notice Wonwoo's cheeks flushed in pink.

He quickly let Wonwoo go because it felt so strange when there is a tingle in his chest swirling around and making his face heated. This is exactly how he felt during their high school. Now, their eyes met with a distance of 2 centimeters between them and his stomach is upset again.

As soon as he let him go, Wonwoo started to walk away. Mingyu does not like the picture of looking at the shorter walking away, from him. Shouldn't Wonwoo be asking for the notes?

"Wait...why are you leaving? Don't you want Jeonghan hyung's notes?" he blankly asked. Why is he the one to initiate the conversation again? Mingyu hates it when Wonwoo makes him do things that he doesn't normally do. Mingyu, kind of, anticipated Wonwoo to turn around and it surprised to the core when Wonwoo actually stopped and turned to his side.

"A-are you going to share it with me?" Wonwoo asked.


No! That is not the plan. Mingyu does not know what the plan is anymore. Since he started talking to Wonwoo, his plan of revenging Wonwoo has disappeared.

"Oh...T-thank you," Wonwoo said, almost a whisper, too soft. He is looking down again. Mingyu does not like it when Wonwoo is not looking at him when they speak, but okay, it is safer for Mingyu. He might get those unwanted tingling feelings in his chest again if their eyes catch each other.

"But..." Mingyu continues hurriedly when he saw Wonwoo is about to leave again. Wait...what is he even trying to say? He clearly does not have anything more to say.

Wonwoo raised his eyebrows curiously asking him if he has more to say.

"But...only if you tutor me." What? "Yes, you have to teach me finance every day after school. Then I will share the notes with you." Mingyu spoke fast. Him, asking Wonwoo to be his tutor is absolute disbelief, not to others, but to himself. He felt his face so warm.

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