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Who knew that family fight hit him hard.

Beomgyu was at the park. He watches cars pass by while eating the ice cream that he bought in the convenience store trying to calm himself.

He kept thinking about the fight. He regretted that he slapped Cassandra, he regretted calling out Yeonhee, He regretted everything. He keeps thinking if could go back in time and fix everything but he knows changing the past won't be good for his future even if it is for a good reason. Plus, he can't even do that. It's practically impossible.

Never once in his life felt this much regret, even he was confused why.

"God this is making my head hurt," Beomgyu said to himself while taking another bite from his ice cream. He continued going into deep thoughts while watching the cars pass.

He looked up seeing the moon and stars. The clouds were moving very fast as it was windy. Beomgyu smiled, he felt so calm seeing the clouds move fast very smoothly. The moon getting covered and showing up after.

He was supposed to get up and leave until he heard someone calling out his name. He didn't hear it clearly since a truck passed by so he just ignored it.

"Beomgyu hyung?" This time, it was louder and Beomgyu heard it clearly. He looked back seeing Taehyun holding a bag of a Baskin robins ice cream and 2 bottles of coffee.

Taehyun smiled and walked towards the older, taking a seat beside him.

"I didn't expect you to be here," Taehyun said and gave him one of the coffees. Beomgyu took it and opened it. "Are you sure this is not someone else's drink?" He asked and the younger shook his head.

"I just bought an extra one in case my brother drinks it once I get home," He said while chuckling. Beomgyu smiled and took a sip out of it.

"Mmm, this is good. What flavor is it?"..."It's mocha, you haven't tried it before?" Taehyun asked and Beomgyu shook his head.

"So tell me, why is the good student Kang Taehyun still up in this hour?" The younger smiled and rolled his eyes. "Can't a good student procrastinate once in a while?" The two share a laugh after that.

While the other was busy drinking his coffee, still trying to calm his anger, Taehyun stared at him, admiring his beautiful side profile. it took him a while to notice that the older's face looked down like something bad happened. His eyes show no emotion as he enjoys the drink.

Taehyun frowned. "Hey... not to be tittle-tattle but" Taehyun took a deep breath, getting all the courage of asking his question to the older. Beomgyu raised his eyebrow while looking at him.

"D-did something happen? You look down and uh.. yeah" He said and Beomgyu just looked at him, shocked. He didn't expect him to notice.

"Did you stare at me or something? How'd you even know" Beomgyu said in a teasing way while smirking. Taehyun's ears turned red. "W-what?!?! Of course not- psh! you're talking nonsense!" The younger responded, trying not to sound flustered.

Beomgyu smiled and chuckled. 'He looked cute flustered' Beomgyu thought.

Beomgyu put the milk tea down and looked back at Taehyun who was still embarrassed. "Well, it's kind of a long story so eat your ice cream while listening to me I guess"


"And, that basically sums it up," Beomgyu says. The younger looked at him, eyes widened.

"You actually slapped your cousin?" Taehyun asked and Beomgyu nodded.

Taehyun was shocked, very shocked. Who knew families like this actually existed in real life and not only in K-dramas.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Beomgyu apologized. Taehyun immediately shook his head and swallowed his ice cream. "What? no! You didn't!" He says.

Beomgyu smiled at him sheepishly, and Taehyun knew that he didn't believe it. He grabbed one of the older's hands and entwined their fingers together making Beomgyu blush.

"Hyung, I promise you didn't make me uncomfortable. It isn't easy to tell your batchmate your family problems" Taehyun said in a soft voice and Beomgyu loved it. He smiled at the younger. "We aren't batchmates Taehyun, we're friends," He says.

Taehyun laughed and removed his grip from the olders hand, noticing what he did but didn't react.

You may think that it ends there buy man- it didn't. The two acted like a new couple. It's disgustingly cute.

Beomgyu quickly grabbed the other hand and intertwined it again. "I like it like this. Makes me feel like someone actually cares for me" Beomgyu said to the younger. Taehyun started to blush but it wasn't noticeable.

'Thank you moon for not being so bright tonight' Taehyun taught.

After a few seconds of eating, drinking, hearing cars engines, and dogs bark, Beomgyu finally spoke.

"The moon's very bright, round, and beautiful today, isn't it?" He said while staring at the moon. Taehyun looked at him. "The moon's always round Hyung" Taehyun responded.

Beomgyu looked at him with an annoyed face. "You're so bland"..."But you like my company so you can't get rid of me," Taehyun said and smirked.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and laughed. They stayed there for a few more minutes and admired the moon. Taehyun then looked at his watch to check what time is it. Beomgyu heard him curse and Taehyun let go of his hand to clean their mess.

"What's wrong?" Beomgyu asked. "It's late and my parents are probably looking for me," Taehyun says.

Beomgyu helped him clean up and threw the trash. "Want me to drive you there? It's faster and you don't need to wait for a bus" Beomgyu offered. Taehyun smiled and agreed "Thank you hyung"


➷┋double update because I feel bad for leaving yall hanging.

➷┋double update because I feel bad for leaving yall hanging

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