Happy 37th Birthday, Gakupo!

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The date was July 31st, 2021. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. The main Vocaloids were in Gakupo's house. They want to surprise him because today is his birthday.

Miku: It's a good thing we all got keys to his house.

Kaito: Yep.

Rin: This is also a chance for us to catch up on life.

Luka: Len, where's your lovely wife Allison?

Len: She has a party of her own to get to.

Miku: Oh really? Who has a birthday in her family?

Len: Ashley. I told her I wanted to go with her, but Allison was like "No, baby. You have friends with your friends." And I was like "Okay then."

Miku: So, do you and Allison have any kids yet?

Meiko: Miku! Stop asking if they have kids!

Miku: I'm sorry.

Luka: Meiko, don't yell at Miku.

Meiko: Sorry.

Gumi: Guys? I think I see Gakupo's car coming.

Kaito: Hide!

Everyone hid. Gakupo came in the house.

Gakupo: I know you guys are hiding. Come on out.

Miku: Uh, hey there Gakupo. Surprise!

Everyone else: Surprise!

Gakupo: Aww...you wanted to surprise me on my birthday?

Gumi: Of course.

Kaito: I even made you something.

He brought out a cake.

Kaito: It has eggplant in it!

Gakupo: Thanks, man.

Meiko: I hope you cooked it right.

And so, the Vocaloids had fun celebrating Gakupo's birthday. Kaito's eggplant cake turned out to be pretty good.

Jaden: And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy 13th anniversary, Gakupo. I'll see you guys next time!

Gakupo Camui's AnniversaryWhere stories live. Discover now